One million people have put in requests for tickets to attend President Trump’s rally in Tulsa, Oklahoma this weekend. Last month, Joe Biden held a virtual rally for the Wisconsin Democratic Convention and only 68 people watched it. For some reason the liberal media insists that there is all kinds of excitement for Biden and expect him to win in a landslide this November. It’s almost like what the fake news says is different than facts on the ground.
Here’s something nobody saw:
Kylie Martinsen from President Trump’s reelection campaign noticed something a little odd about Joe’s live stream rally and for once it wasn’t something he said:
A whopping 68 people are watching Joe Biden’s recorded address for the Wisconsin Democrat Convention.
— Kyle Martinsen – Text TRUMP to 88022 (@KyleMartinsen_) June 13, 2020
You could live stream your neighbor taking out the garbage and get more than 68 viewers. This really is sad. Metaphorically speaking, every time Biden delivers an address he is taking the garbage cans down form his brain to his mouth but in this case nobody was willing to watch it.
Of those 68 people watching, chances are they were all people from the media and Biden staffers waiting to pull the plug the second it looked like Joe was going to say something crazy or racist. It’s entirely possible that not one average voter watch this at all.
As was mentioned, this “massive” Joe Biden rally was virtual. Nobody had to pay to see it. They didn’t have travel to attend it. They didn’t have to risk contracting the coronavirus by packing into a venue. They didn’t even have to download an app to see it. With all of these advantages, Biden was still only able to draw 68 people, none of whom were Wisconsin voters.
On the flip side of that, President Trump’s campaign manager Brad Parscale had this exciting news about the upcoming rally in Oklahoma:
Over 1M ticket requests for the @realDonaldTrump #MAGA Rally in Tulsa on Saturday.
Before entering each guest will get:
Temperature check
Hand sanitizer
There will be precautions for the heat and bottled water as well.
— Brad Parscale (@parscale) June 15, 2020
Even before the coronavirus lockdown, when did you see Biden talking to more than a hundred or so people? He was giving speeches in school gymnasiums at half capacity and black churches with a handful of disinterested parishioners wondering when they were going to start passing around the “Jesus juice.”
Even Hillary Clinton, in her failed 2016 campaign, could draw a decent sized crowd. Biden couldn’t fill an arena if he was giving away free beer and hairy leg rubs. Hillary lost badly to Trump, so how does the liberal media figure Biden is going to win big?
This is all part of the fake news industry (AKA the democratic party propaganda machine) plan to prop up a senile coot as a viable candidate. They ignore his gaffes. They pretend he doesn’t slur his speech and say crazy things. They memory hole his record of failure and racism. Most of all, they keep lying that the country is excited for a Joe Biden presidency.
Democrats and their liberal media enablers continue to push the coronavirus lockdown because they don’t want the economy to rebound but also because if Biden has to crawl out of his basement bunker and directly campaign against Trump, he’s done for. When Biden goes off script and interacts with the public, he says insane things and picks fights with voters. The other thing they want to avoid is the bad optics of sad 68-person Biden rallies while Trump is packing arenas and stadiums across the country.