The left has been constantly pounding out the message of the catastrophic “second surge”. Really, it’s not a second surge or a new season of covid that we’re seeing. It’s fluctuations in the first covid season.
The second surge is important to the left because it slams the Red States that didn’t totally cave in to the Hunan Hysteria. “See?! What did we tell you?! The conservatives want to kill you! Trump wants to kill you! “
Also, it scares those Americans that have turned into cream puffs back indoors. And I just read today that the scaredy cats are hoarding toilet paper…again.
If the America haters can scare enough idiots back indoors, the economy will continue to tank and Trump won’t be able to run on the economy. They hope Trump won’t have any positive issues to run on. (I wonder what would happen if Trump just flat out said that his platform this go round is to destroy the left. I’d be onboard with that.)
Why is there a SS in general, and why particularly in the Southern states?
One factor to think about is that the SS began one to two weeks after the George Floyd BLM riots began. Did all of those thousands of rioters spread China Flu? There is evidence that this is so.
A second factor relates specifically to the stricken geographical area of the SS. Mainly the Southwest. What’s been going on in the Southwest? An increase in border crossings by diseased people.
Infected people from Mexico are crossing over to the United States to seek medical attention. They seek out that service because they are treated for “free”, and their own corrupt country is unable to deal with the Communist China Biological attack.
Despite the mounting evidence that the worst part of the surge in the southwest is the result of cross-border travel beginning in May, government officials continue to act as if this is a domestic problem and that somehow Americans have been careless in mitigating the virus. They are using the spike caused by their failure to lock down the border as a pretext to lock down Americans.
Arturo Rodriguez, public health director, Brownsville, Texas, explained the number of rising cases and deaths.
Rodriguez said that the U.S. experienced its peak infection and death rates in March and April. Mexico’s peak has been in May and June. Our border states were not hit very hard by the original outbreak in the U.S. But now, covid is spiking in border states because of Mexico’s peak.
Areas that are now spiking in the U.S. share a border with regions in Mexico that were hardest-hit during May. Even though President Trump closed the borders between the U.S., Mexico, and Canada, “green card holders and dual citizens were completely exempt from the travel ban and came here to access our hospitals.”
Reports from a number of U.S. media outlets noted that very sick coronavirus patients flooded U.S. hospitals along the border, with many being sent northward to other hospitals for care beginning in late May – when the American curve was flattening.
So there’s the answer for the coronavirus increase in Southwestern states. The virus is being carried across our southern border by infected immigrants. Once they are tested and enter our health-care system, they are counted as new U.S. cases, even though they are non-citizens. Additionally, they infect those already here in the U.S., including U.S. citizens, which also adds to the count of new infections.
Why does our government constantly allow such stupidity? Enjoy your little gift from Mexico. After all, you’re paying for it.