Monday, June 15, 2020

Monday Morning Breakfast For The Brain

Monday is here Deplorables and the communist insurgency is growing.

How Do You Prepare For A Revolution?

Via Zero Hedge
As all hell breaks loose across the United States of America (and we haven’t even gotten to the election yet), a resistance movement to the status quo seems to be increasingly violent, taking over a Minneapolis police precinct and an area in downtown Seattle. Protests continue to be peaceful in some areas but show little signs of letting up.
A lot of folks are pretty sure that a revolution is coming – and many people say it’s already here.
I got a great question in a group that I moderate: how do you prepare for a revolution?
As preppers, this is always our go-to response to trouble. We want to know what we can do, specifically, to meet the crisis head-on and keep our families safe.
How do you prepare for a revolution?
In this article, I want to speak specifically about the practical steps you need to take to be prepared for a revolution if things should come to that point across the country. This article is not about philosophy or right vs. wrong. It’s not about fighting for your “side” whatever side that might be. It’s about surviving. There are lots of links because I’m not reinventing the entire wheel here – that would be a book on its own. This is merely a guideline so you know where to focus your time, money, and attention.
I pondered the question for quite a while before answering because it isn’t really a situation I had given a lot of thought to before.
The answer is really not anything earth-shattering. In fact, many will probably find it underwhelming.
You prepare for a revolution by simply continuing to prep. Specifically, consider prepping for the following:
  • Supply chain disruption and shortages of food
  • Supply chain disruption and shortages of material goods
  • Civil unrest
  • Disruption of utilities
  • Disruption of services
So for the most part, this is general prepping. The event causing all the disruptions may be different but the end result is the same. Let’s talk about each of these things.
Supply chain disruption and shortages of food
We’re already beginning to see disruptions of the food supply due to the COVID pandemic. Imports have been interrupted and distribution processes have utterly failed. As I wrote before, farmers are being forced to cull livestock and plow under produce because they have no way to get it to consumers.
In an uncertain future, these difficulties could continue or even become worse through strategic blockades.
Here are some things you can do:
  • Now is the time to make sure you’re stocked up. This book can help.
  • Localize your supply chain. Look for local farmers and purchase food in bulk.
  • Learn how to preserve food. Here are guides for canning foods and dehydrating foods to make them shelf-stable.
  • Learn how to acquire food with hunting, snaring, fishing, and foraging.
Become responsible for your own food supply. Stores may not be reliable sources.
Supply chain disruption and shortages of material goods
A shocking amount of our general supplies are imported. Here’s a list of things that come from China alone. Not only are imports disrupted but so is distribution in general. You may have noticed if you’ve been in any stores since things reopened that there are a lot of bare spots on the shelves and that you don’t have the same amount of choices as you did before the outbreak.
Things like bedding, clothing, footwear, tools, dishes, and hardware are sparse in many parts of the country. Here are a few steps you can take.
  • Focus on repairing instead of replacing.
  • If you do have to discard something, strip it of its useful parts. Sort out screws, fasteners, buttons, laces, etc., and store them for the time you need them.
  • Buy sturdy clothing now: pick up winter jackets, shoes, jeans, and practical clothes. For children, you may want to purchase things a size or two up from what they’re currently wearing.
  • Every time you go to the store, grab basic items like toilet paper, aluminum foil, ziplock bags, or other things you normally use.
  • Look for reusable options for things you’d normally throw out after one use.
  • Stock up on the tools you might need to repair, make, or mend things in the future.
  • If there are things you’ve been planning to replace or update, do it now if it’s an essential item. You might not be able to do so later.
Take time now to get ready for a world that could be poorly stocked.

Civil unrest

We’ve published a lot of articles recently about surviving civil unrest, with the number one phrase you’ll read being “don’t be there.” In essence, a revolution is civil unrest with heavier firepower. You’ll still be avoiding angry crowds, hardening your home, and keeping your family together, just on an even more life-threatening scale. You’ll definitely want to check out this on-demand webinar where Selco discusses his experiences and gives advice about surviving riots and unrest.
That being said, much of the same advice applies. Here are resources that may help you get prepared for this.
We’re in relatively uncharted territory right now. It’s important to make your plans well before things erupt. Don’t be so tied to a place or a pile of things to the point that you’re willing to risk your life (or the lives of your families) to face a horde against whom you have no chance of survival. Be willing to be adaptable and resilient – your life could depend on it.
Know where you’re going to go if you have to bug out and how you’ll get there. (Here’s a PDF guide for bug-out plans.) And for goodness sake, stop thinking it’s shameful to bug out and don’t listen to anyone who tells you that it is. Your goal here is survival, not posthumous glory.
Disruption of services
Even with the current level of unrest and the recent pandemic, some areas have experienced the disruption of services we take for granted. Calling 911 in the event of an emergency and having someone show up, going to the emergency room and receiving prompt care, being able to have medical treatments that aren’t non-emergency but are still important, being able to call the fire department and have them come save your home – in the United States all of these things have been in question in at least some areas this year.
If civil unrest continues to grow at its current rate, you can expect these problems to worsen and widen to areas previously unaffected. Right now, there is more than one police precinct in the US that has been overrun by protesters. Fire trucks haven’t been able to get past mobs to deal with buildings that are aflame. People waited so long for urgent medical treatments that they died as hospitals were closed due to COVID.
What can we learn from this? We could find ourselves completely on our own and we should proceed as though we will be.
We need to be prepared to be our own first responders with regard to emergency medical care, low-level fires, and home security. I’m not saying you need to be ready to fight a five-alarm fire with a garden hose but at the very least, learn about the different types of fires, have fire extinguishers, and keep your fire-fighting equipment maintained in good working order. Know how to stop bleeding and perform CPR.
Disruption of utilities
Another possibility is the disruption of utilities like power, water, internet, and communications. This could occur organically as the side effect of a natural event like a storm or if it was caused by humans, due to government interference or guerilla sabotage.
Taking out the power is not an unusual action for governments to take when they’re trying to regain control of an area. It happened in Venezuela, although the government there blamed the United States and has been threatened in California as a move against businesses that didn’t follow the rules of the COVID shutdown.
In Egypt, during the Arab Spring riots, the government there took control of the internet, and just recently there was an alleged communication blackout in Washington, DC which turned out to be misinformation. The power grid was deliberately sabotaged in California at least once and the threat of sabotage against public water supplies is of constant concern to providers.
The question isn’t really “can it happen?” or “will it happen?” – it’s more a matter of when.
It’s pretty likely if things became incredibly heated that it would. Taking away these vital services and limiting the ability to communicate are both standard tactics. Think about hostage situations – negotiators often turn off the AC on a sweltering day and jam phone service.
To prepare for this kind of thing, you need, again, to go back to the basics you’re already putting in place.
Obviously, you’ll also want to have ways to keep folks entertained and at least moderately content if the internet and power are down.
Remember OPSEC
Another thing to consider in times of revolution and widespread tensions is OPSEC. Not so much the kind where you’re being very careful that nobody knows you’re a prepper (although that is always important) but more the kind where nobody really knows what your thoughts are on volatile matters.
Read the entire article HERE.

Welcome To Your New World Order: A Rundown Of Woke Insanity Amid The Newest Cultural Revolution

Via The Federalist
As the nation continues to spiral under its 21st-century cultural revolution, here’s a running list of the ongoing insanity.
America is in the midst of a new cultural civil war that for years has been brewing under the surface as left-wing academics breed aggressively woke children now permeating throughout the nation’s mainstream institutions.
Since the killing of George Floyd at the knees of a Minneapolis police officer sparked the worst outbreak of civil unrest in decades, protests that grew out of demanding justice for Floyd morphed into a dark operation to fundamentally transform the nation’s psyche, convincing the people of their own inherent evil from ancestral wrongs.
Battle lines are clearly being drawn, where the radical left has offered Americans a binary choice in a false dichotomy between total submission or unrelenting exile with those opposed to the new woke world order cast out of society as unrepentant racists refusing to atone for past generations’ sins. No justice, no peace. Silence is violence. You’re either with us, or against us. There is no middle ground. Which side of history are you on?
Of course in reality, (and sanity), it’s clearly not that black and white, but if recent events show us anything, they expose that this mentality is no longer one of a fringe left-wing movement but a central tenant of our mainstream culture of what it means to make “progress.” America, according to the now only acceptable narrative, is an irredeemably racist society that was built for the sole purpose to oppress. It has never been great. Anyone who thinks otherwise, is as guilty as the slaveholders who lived more than 150 years ago.
For as long as the nation continues to go mad, purging books, movies, statues and history in its own cultural revolution launched by woke elites, The Federalist will be chronicling its destruction, updating this list with each new event in its collapse. The Federalist will also be keeping tally of those fired from lack of allegiance to the new woke overlords found here.
Read the entire article HERE.

Did Stacey Abrams Grant ‘Legitimacy’ to Atlanta Wendy’s Torching?

Via Newsbusters
On This Week today, George Stephanopoulos asked Stacey Abrams to comment on the police shooting death of Rayshard Brooks in Atlanta this past Friday night, and the “disconnect” that Atlanta Mayor Keisha Lance Bottoms decried regarding her expectations for the police.
You might have expected Abrams to denounce the police conduct, while also condemning the lawless torching of the Wendy’s restaurant where the incident occurred. But no, not a word of criticism for the wanton destruction of property. Instead, Abrams responded:
“That is why you saw the reaction from protesters. That is why the virulence of anger remains. Activists are necessarily calling into question what’s actually being done. And what I would say is that, there is — there’s a legitimacy to this anger. There’s a legitimacy to this outrage.”
The “reaction from the protesters” was to destroy a restaurant whose only crime was to have Brooks fall asleep in its drive-thru line. Did Abrams mean to say she saw “legitimacy” in that? She did express understanding for the “virulence” of the protesters’ anger. At the very least, Abrams failed to distinguish between legitimate outrage and illegitimate violence.
The Stephanopoulos setup was shoddy. Mayor Bottoms wasn’t addressing the specific case in question…and he’s not describing in ANY way what the video shows, just that it’s a shame video needs to be reviewed.
Weird stance for a journalist….which suggests cops should never shoot suspects, even when they’re coming at you with a taser!
Read the entire article HERE.

Armed Patriots in Kentucky Declare ‘This is Our Battle Line’ as They Defend Confederate Statue From Mob

Via Big League Politics
On Friday evening, a group of armed patriots in Brandenburg, Ky. protected a Confederate statue as a Black Lives Matter mob was expected to gather and potentially deface it.
The mob has made a big deal of the 70 foot Confederate statue, which used to be located on the University of Louisville campus until 2016, as they continue their ongoing cultural genocide. The patriots of Brandenburg showed up to say no more to the ISIS-style movement of destruction.
Here are some of the scenes from the protest:
WDRB reported that certain “business owners boarded up windows in anticipation of possible violence, but law enforcement officers from several agencies had kept the peace, at least through 10 p.m.”
These armed patriots made their stand as the left-wing cultural genocide has swept across America, with black dominance being projected through acts of mayhem nationwide.
Big League Politics has reported on how people are getting severely injured because of the reckless behavior of these rioters:
A left-wing protester is reportedly critically injured after a piece of a Confederate statue struck him in the head while the ANTIFA/Black Lives Matter mob brought it down in a showing of racial dominance.
The scene occurred in Portsmouth, Va. where the mob was systematically tearing off pieces of the Confederate monument on Wednesday night.
A witness said that the man who was hit by the monument was battered so terribly that his skull was showing, he was bleeding profusely, and was left convulsing on the ground until medical personnel showed up.
The currently unnamed individual has been taken to a local hospital where he is being treated for his serious injuries.
The carnage was caught on video as the mob of vandals committed their ISIS-style desecration of the American historical monument throughout the day.
While most are willing to roll over to the mob, the armed patriots in Kentucky have shown that they will not budge. This is the type of courage that will be needed across the country to repel the savages and their war against Western Civilization.
Read the entire article HERE.

Protesters Pull Down Joe Biden After Mistaking Him For Old Racist Statue

Via The Babylon Bee (Satire)
WASHINGTON, D.C.—Enraged protesters were marching through D.C. toppling racist statues when they came upon one standing on a street corner. The archaic, racist statue looked very, very old. It even had some kind of obsolete soundbite-playing device in it, probably an early phonograph from how old the statue looked. It kept saying things about black people being clean and articulate and how poor kids are just as bright as white kids.
The rioters threw a lasso around the top of the statue after googling “How to tie a lasso” and arguing for a while about how lassos are racist. They then brought it tumbling down after graffitiing all over it.
Unfortunately, the old, racist statue turned out to be former vice president and current presidential candidate Joe Biden.
“Classic pranksters,” Biden said, chuckling, as he dusted himself off. “You know, this happens from time to time. Back in my day, we were out at the community pool, hanging out and throwing rocks at each other, as was the fashion at the time. CornPop and I were dishing it out and running our fingers through our leg hairs when…” As he continued to drone on, though, another racist group came up and toppled him the other way.
Eventually, the rioters had had their fun and moved on, knocking over Nancy Pelosi and Ruth Bader Ginsburg, mistaking both of them for ancient statues.
Check out all of the Bee’s great takes on politics and culture HERE.