George Floyd was the black drug abuser who died of a heart attack while resisting arrest in Minneapolis. His death has fueled riots and destruction across the country and made white liberals lose what was left of their minds. Black Lives Matter is being led to believe they are calling the shots on the left because democrats are pretending like they give a crap. Savvy black radicals may notice what a ruse this because democratic leaders Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer care so little they can’t even get George Floyd’s name right.
Republican Senator Tim Scott, a black guy, authored a police reform bill that the democrats blocked from even being debated. Democrats aren’t about to let Republicans lead the way on this issue that they think belongs to them. The House passed it’s own version of a police reform bill that they know doesn’t stand a chance in the Senate because they’re more into playing political games rather than actually doing something meaningful.
In playing these games, democrats tried to use George Floyd as a prop, but they don’t even know who he is. This Minority Leader Chuck Schumer on the Senate floor:
“Who do you believe when it comes to civil rights and police accountability? Mitch McConnell or the lawyer of the families of Floyd Taylor?” Schumer asked.
Is that a trick question? I have no idea who Floyd Taylor is. Wanna try again?
“George Taylor?” said Schumer on his second try.
Sorry, the name doesn’t ring a bell either.
“George Floyd and Breonna Taylor,” Schumer said with a chuckle.
It should be noted that Schumer was reading off of a piece of paper and he still screwed up Georg Floyd’s name twice.
And in answer to Chuck’s question, I would believe Republicans, who ended slavery and segregation, on civil rights matters over democrats or ambulance-chasing lawyers looking for a huge payday.
And this is Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi doing the same thing in her weekly press conference:
Pelosi said that she talked to George Floyd’s brother about the House police reform bill and told him that she would recommend it to the Congressional Black Caucus and the Judiciary Committee only if he approved of it.
“I only will do that if you tell me this legislation is worthy of George Kirby’s name and he said it is,” said Pelosi.
So George Floyd’s brother approves of legislation bearing the name of George Kirby? Does Floyd’s brother know who the f*ck George Kirby is? Clearly Nancy Pelosi doesn’t know who George Floyd is. For the record, she ever corrected this mistake and none of the reporters bothered to point it out.
Black radicals demand 3 things from guilty white liberals: 1) that they say “Black Lives Matter” not all lives, 2) that they take a knee against the police, and 3) that they say the names of black people who died fighting or resisting the cops.
Pelosi and Schumer have done #1 & #2 in kiss-ass fashion, but they obviously failed at #3. And the reason is, they don’t actually give a flying fart about any of this, they are pandering.