The mobs of idiots destroying our cities are also on a campaign to erase all American history because, well as I already said, they are idiots. The democrats are also interested in getting rid of history, though for more selfish reasons. They need to get rid of any evidence that their party has been behind all of the racial atrocities committed by this country from slavery to interning Japanese Americans. With that, Nancy Pelosi has ordered the removal of portraits of former Speakers of the House who served in the Confederacy. Any guess what party these Confederate Speakers belonged to?
Pelosi had wanted to remove all statues of Confederates in the Capitol but she lacks that authority. She can however get rid of portraits and she held a press conference to announce it.
#BREAKING: Speaker Nancy Pelosi orders Confederate portraits in Capitol removed: “In observance of [Juneteenth] I’ve sent a letter… to remove the portraits of 4 previous Speakers of the House who served in the Confederacy.” pic.twitter.com/fdosCXtk3L
— The Hill (@thehill) June 18, 2020
“Tomorrow, is June-cheenth,” started Pelosi.
She really did say “June-cheenth.”
“A day the we observe as a day of freedom in our country,” Pelosi continued.
If that’s true, why has Pelosi never mentioned or celebrated this day until now?
“It was the day that people in the West found out about the Emancipation Proclamation. In observance of that I sent a letter, you will see, uh to the kirk of the House,” said Pelosi.
She really did say “kirk of the House” but didn’t explain if that was Star Trek related or not. She did say that this letter directed the “kirk” to remove 4 paintings of former Speakers of the House who had also served in the Confederacy.
“We didn’t know about this until we were taking inventory of the statues and the curator told us that there were 4 paintings of Speakers in the Capitol of the United States, 4 Speakers who had served in the confed-federacy,” said Pelosi.
Did the curator also tell Pelosi what party these 4 Confederates belonged to?
“There’s no room in the hallowed halls of this democracy, this temple of democracy to memorialize people who embodied violent bigotry and grotesque racism of the Confederacy,” Pelosi said.
Yet there was plenty of room in the democratic party for these guys.
And here are those former Speakers who served in the Confederacy that Pelosi ordered removed:
Robert M. T. Hunter (Whig/Democrat) – Hunter was a U.S. Rep., Speaker of the House, and a U.S. Senator. He went on to become the Confederates States Secretary of State, before coming back and taking an appointment from president Grover Cleveland. He was a Whig before becoming a democrat in 1844. He owned 87 slaves.
Howell Cobb (democrat) – Cobb was a U.S. Rep., Speaker of the House, Governor of Georgia, and Secretary of Treasury under Jame Buchanan. He was also one of the founders of the Confederacy serving as President of the Provisional Congress of the Confederate States.
James Lawrence Orr (democrat) – Orr was a U.S. Rep., Speaker of the House, and Governor of South Carolina. He also served in the Confederate States Senate. Ulysses S. Grant later appointed him Minister to Russia.
Charles Frederick Crisp (democrat) – Crisp was a U.S. Rep., and Speaker of the House. He enlisted in the Confederate army and was promptly captured. Crisp County, Georgia is named after him.
Wow, what a coincidence. All the portraits Pelosi wants removed to heal the racism belong to members of the democratic party.
Pelosi noted of the former Speakers, Confederates, and members of the democratic party how “Oblivious they were to what our Founding Fathers had in mind.”
Hey, there’s another coincidence. Democrats under Pelosi are oblivious to the rights our Founding Fathers included in the U.S. Constitution.
“We have to lead by example,” Pelosi finished.
Like they led on slavery, secession, segregation, genocide, and internment camps?