When leftists overtook part of Seattle with the blessing of the leftist mayor and city council, they claimed they were going to create a cop-free/racism free utopian collective. Since the takeover a couple fo weeks ago, they’ve had to create an armed police force to keep scumbags from stealing their food and now apparently white people are becoming a problem so the area has been segregated with a special safe-place for blacks only. It’s almost like unemployed leftist losers don’t have any idea what they are doing.
Seattle’s leftist occupied territory was called the Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone (CHAZ) but they couldn’t exist without help from across the border so they changed it to the Capitol Hill Occupied Protest (CHOP). “CHOP” is also an acronym for chemotherapy, which can’t be a coincidence. Most people just call it “Antifastan” due to its resemblance to a chaotic war zone/shithole wasteland.
In any case, here’s a really funny video from the left’s model for a perfect society:
Chaz set up black-only racially segregated areas … pic.twitter.com/ggSED8Jm1d
— Zé Ferreira (@zionist_report) June 20, 2020
In the video, militant white girls stand guard over a field that has been designated a blacks-only zone. The man recording said that he’s half Italian/half-Columbian and asked to enter. He was denied.
“If you have black ancestry or if you have experienced oppression because you are black you can enter this space,” said the dumpy white female guard.
Weirdly enough, there appears to be several white people in the blacks-only segregated area but presumably the have experienced oppression while pretending to be black.
I get that Millennials and Gen Zers are completely ignorant of history, but surly even they have heard of segregation. Maybe not. See, following the Civil War the loser democrats were pissed that Republicans took their slaves away, so they came up with these laws, known as Jim Crow, to oppress black people and segregate them from white folks. It was considered ugly and racist, yet here we have these new generations blissfully embracing it.
Even if we can disregard the fact that it only appears to be white people in this blacks-only zone, didn’t one of these “woke” white warriors ever think, “Hey, maybe it’s not a good idea to force all of the black people onto a soccer field with a bunch of white dipshits standing guard.”
In related news, there was a deadly shooting in the CHOP, which has prompted them to adopt even more rules of oppression to maintain their hippy socialist utopia:
Please read and share: Open letter to the leaders, organizers, and #CHOP community. Physical copies will be available at the 2pm community meeting today. #CHOPcomms #seattleprotests #chazseattle #CHOPseattle #chopshooting #CHAZCHOP #CapitolHill #Seattle pic.twitter.com/hkKKeCTCQi
— VOICES OF CHOP (@ChopVoices) June 21, 2020
In case you don’t feel like reading that, they are going to ban alcohol and drug use in CHOP and impose a curfew from 8pm to 8am because, “The late hours of CHOP tend to give way to some problematic behavior.”
It’s like they’ve almost stumbled upon the truth that no law leads to chaos, but they just can’t quite put it together.
Now that the black people have been effectively segregated the next obvious step for the CHOPsters is to round up all the Jews for their own safety because they’ve never heard of a historical example of that being a bad idea.