An article appeared on the Townhall website on Monday. In it the author, Mark Nuchols, discusses something we’ve all thought about and commented on. It’s a subject that occupies the mind of many conservative patriot Americans. The subject is a Second American Civil War.
Mark Nuchols writes,
I fear that there is a looming civil war on the horizon. It is not yet inevitable, but all true American patriots must be prepared for the coming battle. And the costs in blood will be heavy. This war will not be fought like the American Revolution or the Civil War of 1861-65, where disciplined armies observed the laws of war and respected civilian lives.
This war will be waged by far-left radicals and their deep-state puppet masters. For them, civilian casualties and massacres will not be moral evils, but merely part and parcel of their larger plan to “reconstruct” America. Their objective is simple: overthrow our constitutional order, destroy our way of life, and deprive us of our freedom, our liberties, our property, and our honor.
At first blush, one might think that it is oxymoronic…the idea that Patriots might consider a Civil War as something necessary. A war of Americans against Americans. But if Civil War is the only way to preserve our Nation as it was founded…?
But see, even that’s not accurate. Our Nation IS NOT existing or functioning as it was founded. ALMOST IMMEDIATELY upon it’s inception, there were those who wanted change.
As I’ve recommended previously, go to a library or a used book store and find a book on American History. An old book. The older the better. Look for something published in the 1800’s, when the writers of our history had actual and true events still freshly in mind. Events they or their parents had lived through. There were disagreements on some of the finer points, even during the founding years of our Nation. But one thing everyone agreed on was that America was founded on the finest principles and ideals ever embraced by mankind.
Over time, those principles and ideals have been severely eroded. For generation after generation, those who love America have felt that the erosion was not too worrisome. ‘Fear not. Americans love their nation. There will always be the naysayers. But the people will not allow the destruction of America!’
Erosion can be an insidious thing. Erosion is tricky. The effects of erosion are indiscernible day to day, week to week, even year to year or decade to decade. Yet, how may times have you seen the effects of erosion on a seemingly indestructible material, even on a small scale? Maybe it was at an old house. 25 years of rainwater dripping on a concrete surface leaves its mark.
Likewise, generations of assaults on the bedrock of American society have left their mark. America as it is today would hardly be recognized by the 18th Century Founders who risked and sacrificed everything because they believed “these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed.”
And so presently, there are two basic sides aligning for a political, and quite possibly, a physical fight. A battle. A war. It is easy for either side to be cavalier (indifferent or casual about important matters) and declare, “Bring on the fight! It won’t last long! They’ll melt away and it will be victory for our side! Then we’ll run America the way it should be run.”
It sounds Easy. Quick. Clean.
Unfortunately, a Second Civil War will be anything but EASY, QUICK, CLEAN OR BLOODLESS. America is not even in the throes of a civil war and our cities are and states are already in turmoil.
Government institutions are being violently attacked. Government and private property is being put to the torch. Those charged with preserving law and order are being ambushed, mobbed and murdered.
Government officials are openly advocating treasonous and seditious and violent resistance against the Federal Government.
Nuchols continues:
I have spent many years in countries that have suffered civil war and its horrors, such as Russia (including Chechnya), Syria, Lebanon, Croatia, Bosnia, and Kosovo. I have also carefully studied the history of revolutions and civil conflict. And until recently I would never have believed a second civil war in America to be possible. But the warning signs are all there, and they began appearing most visibly when Donald Trump became the Republican nominee for president. He is the first American politician that strikes fear into the hearts of both the deep state and the radical left. And that fear makes them extremely dangerous.
The entire article is an educational and sobering read.
These violent acts in our Homeland are being carried out BY ONLY ONE SIDE of the two opposing philosophies. The Leftist, Marxist, Democrat faction is on the attack. They have brought violence to America’s cities, communities, neighborhoods and streets.
Consevative Patriotic Americans and The Republican Party stand by and idly watch. We wring our hands in dismay. We shake our heads in disbelief. We cluck our tongues in disapproval. “Can you believe it? This has to stop!”
And then we confidently say, “THIS election is the all important one. THIS time we’ll show ’em! THIS time we’ll beat them soundly at the ballot box! THIS time we’ll set things right!” Except we won’t. We never do. Even when we win. Because they don’t accept defeat. They don’t give up. And so they always really win. Every single time. And that’s why we’re where we are, living in America that is no longer really America.
Can a Second Civil War really save us, restore our values? Or will we become Balcanized North America?
Do we really have the stomach for a bloody fight? Or is it time to throw in the towel and concede defeat? Did the Founding Fathers get it wrong? Is it time to end The Grand Experiment?
Or do we have one good bloody fight left in us? Don’t be cavalier about your answer. Because whether Trump wins or loses, in just a little over three months from now, HELL will be on our doorstep.