Served up a bit late but piping hot…
Where is he? https://t.co/xnVB5zZo4z
— Mark R. Levin (@marklevinshow) July 10, 2020
Where the Hell Is John Durham?
Via American Greatness
Trump has every right to be enraged that four years after Barack Obama’s top henchmen concocted and executed the biggest political scandal of all time, not one person has been held criminally responsible while trials against his associates drag on.
n May 2019, Attorney General William Barr made an announcement millions of Americans had been waiting for: A U.S. attorney outside the Beltway would investigate the corrupt origins of the FBI’s probe into Donald Trump’s presidential campaign and government efforts to sabotage the incoming president after he was elected.
For the past 14 months, we have been waiting (impatiently, I confess) for news from John Durham, the Connecticut prosecutor Barr tapped to lead the long-delayed inquiry. After all, by the time the attorney general initiated the targeted probe, there was plenty of evidence of wrongdoing by top officials in the Obama Administration, including James Comey, John Brennan, and Andrew McCabe among others. Special Counsel Robert Mueller had wrapped up his two-year partisan witch hunt and despite unlimited resources—along with the unflinching support of Republicans on Capitol Hill—Barack Obama’s former FBI director could find no evidence of collusion between the Trump campaign and the Kremlin.
But Mueller did plenty of damage in the interim. Just weeks after his May 2017 appointment, Mueller started rounding up Trump associates: George Papadopoulos was arrested at Dulles Airport in July 2017 on a concocted charge. A few months later, Paul Manafort, Trump’s campaign manager, was arrested; Lt. General Michael Flynn finally relented to a plea deal for which he still hasn’t been sentenced. (The judge in the case is refusing to drop the charges against Flynn, per the government’s request.) All that and more happened within the first six months of Mueller’s investigation.
Yet Durham has produced nothing for public consumption.
In an interview last month, Barr said there might finally be some news in the next month or so. “[Durham] is pressing ahead as hard as he can, I expect we will have some developments hopefully by the end of this summer,” Barr told Fox News Channel’s Maria Bartiromo on June 21. “His investigation will continue, it’s not going to stop because of the election. What happens after the election will depend on who wins the election.”
In other words, the clock is ticking—and Barr knows it.
A Post-Election Announcement?
On Thursday, hope for a pre-election resolution took a big hit when Fox News reported that if Durham can’t finish his work in the next several weeks, he will “punt it until after the election,” one unnamed source disclosed.
In some respects, it might already be too late for Durham to present a case that’s legitimate in the eyes of the public. Obamagate continues to be of intense interest to Trump’s base but it could be considered old news by most Americans. Further, Democrats and the media have waged full-out war on the attorney general, attempting to discredit Barr as a Trump lackey doing the president’s political bidding. Indictments announced even this summer undoubtedly will be condemned as attempted election interference, and it’ll be hard to dispute that claim at this late date.
So, what in the world is taking so long?
Read the entire article HERE.
Do you trust Fauci? pic.twitter.com/x9RJqtKsmR
— GrrrGraphics Cartoons (@GrrrGraphics) July 1, 2020
COVID: What Was the Plan All Along?
Via LewRockwell.com
The plan all along was: sell a STORY about “a new virus.”
A virus that researchers would believe they had discovered—but didn’t.
The researchers are cultishly devoted to procedures of discovery that are scientifically useless and non-valid, as I’ve explained in several articles.
A few questions:
Why would elite players have run all these pandemic exercises, drills, planning sessions, and table-top simulations well in advance of the “outbreak,” so that anyone with a computer could discover them in hours?
Why would a few of these exercises have openly named a coronavirus as the cause of the upcoming pandemic?
The plan all along was to dupe people into believing that a real virus was spreading across the globe.
The tabletop exercises, the drills, the exercises, the seminars, the announcement of the discovery of a new virus—all of these tactics were part and parcel of convincing people that the story of a new virus was real.
And if you doubt that so many researchers, planners, public health officials could be “in on the conspiracy,” you’re absolutely right. No need for conscious knowledge. 99.99 percent of the players are already true believers in THE VIRUS.
You’ve got, say, a dozen “pre-pandemic” tabletop exercises, and all in all, there are 300 people sitting at tables, and they believe they’re talking about a real deadly virus—because by prior medical training and propaganda, they were taught to be true believers.
And at those exercises, there was one man sitting inconspicuously at the table, or leaning quietly against a wall, observing, who knew the truth. He was there to make sure the believers never wavered.
If someone wants to make a movie about reality, there it is.
A variation: Twenty CIA people are sitting at a table planning a covert infiltration of, and a revolution in, a foreign country WHICH IS THE ENEMY—and everyone at the table believes that foreign country IS the enemy. Except for one man. He knows the CIA has already created, through propaganda, A FALSE STORY about that country being the enemy.
There are dozens of variations on this theme, which is: the true believers, and the operator who knows the truth.
Another example: a “patriot” CEO with deep pockets commits his workers and resources to building up weapons for the war effort; but at the same time, he is secretly selling armaments to the enemy. He’s playing a bigger game. 99.9 percent of everyone else believes the war is being fought honestly.
A phony televangelist is preaching to huge crowds and raking in donations. Only a few trusted associates know the whole operation is a con. The crowds are true believers.
Fill in your own examples of the basic theme. It’s standard practice in small and large operations. It’s no surprise, that in the case of COVID, the same m.o. should be in play. But in this operation, “science” is touted as the proof to satisfy all the faithful. And science is a very convincing hustle.
Behind the hustle is a political hierarchy. That means only carefully chosen scientists are allowed to stand next to the president on television and lie through their teeth to the public.
Read the entire article HERE.
The New ‘Systemic Racism’ That Is Coming https://t.co/VbpT5OxZuj
— Patrick J. Buchanan (@PatrickBuchanan) July 10, 2020
The New ‘Systemic Racism’ That Is Coming
By Patrick J. Buchanan
Before our Black Lives Matter moment, one had not thought of the NBC networks as shot through with “systemic racism.”
Yet, what other explanation is there for this week’s draconian personnel decision of NBCUniversal chairman Cesar Conde.
According to Conde, the white share of NBC’s workforce, now 74% and divided evenly between men and women, will be chopped to 50%.
Persons of color — Blacks, Hispanics, Asians, Native Americans and multiracial folks — are to rise from the present 26% of NBCUniversal’s workforce to 50%.
What does this mean?
White men will be slashed as a share of NBCUniversal’s employees from the present 38% to 25%, — a cut of one-third — and then capped to ensure that people of color and women reach and remain at 50%.
White men can fall below one-fourth of the workforce, but their numbers will not be permitted to go any higher.
To impose race and gender quotas like this on the workforce at NBCUniversal — half women, half persons of color — would seem to trample all over the spirit, if not the letter, of the Civil Rights Act of 1964.
Why is Conde doing this?
“(W)e have a unique responsibility to look like and reflect all of the people of the country we serve,” he says.
But whence comes this responsibility, the realization of which means active discrimination against new employees because they are the wrong gender or race: i.e, they are unwanted white men?
Read the entire article HERE.
"OK, Let’s Give Them Reparations—If They Go Back To Africa" – Anthony Boehm https://t.co/1pjkVlhgYw
— The Unz Review (@UnzReview) July 11, 2020
OK, Let’s Give Them Reparations—If They Go Back to Africa
Via The Unz Review
After weeks of rioting, looting, and wanton attacks on whites, after weeks of tearing down statues of Confederates and Columbus, after months and years of hearing the lie that it is unsafe to be a black man or woman in the systemically racist USA, it’s time to admit that black nationalist Marcus Garvey was right. Blacks and whites just can’t get along. It’s time for Americans to look seriously at one answer to the racial injustice, real and imagined, that “peaceful protesters,” Black Lives Matter, and Antifa say must be rectified: not reparations, meaning a cash payment from those who never owned slaves to those who never were slaves (see Carl Horowitz’s refutation Slavery Reparations: Revival of a Bad Idea [PDF]) but restitution—offering blacks the chance to return, at taxpayer expense, to their ancestral homelands in Africa…which is in fact what black separatist Garvey advocated.
Let me be clear: Cops are not shooting black men for no reason. Things are better for blacks today than for most of our history and for blacks anywhere else.
But the fact remains that impressions are real. Many blacks really do think they should fear police and other government agencies. We must accept this. Denying it, or explaining why blacks have nothing to fear, is pointless.
That is what I propose for American blacks.
Merriam-Webster gives the following definitions for restitution:
1: an act of restoring or a condition of being restored: such a
a: a restoration of something to its rightful owner
b: a making good of or giving an equivalent for some injury
2: a legal action serving to cause restoration of a previous state
Restoring a “previous state,” returning blacks to the state before the wrong was done, is the restitution the U.S. should offer to repair the damage done by slavery.
Let’s return to the situation before 1619, when the first African slaves landed in Virginia, before the transatlantic shipment of millions of Africans to the New World for sale.
Let us offer repatriation to the African Motherland for their descendants who can’t seem to unshackle themselves from the “legacy of slavery.”
This is not a new idea.
Read the entire article HERE.
Are we really living in a time when anything in favor of Black Lives Matter is justified, while anything remotely criticizing the organization or their tactics is inherently immoral?https://t.co/n0aj79gD16
— The Federalist (@FDRLST) July 11, 2020
Disparate Treatment Of Drew Brees And DeSean Jackson Reveals Insanity Over Acceptable Speech
Via The Federalist
Are we really living in a time when anything in favor of Black Lives Matter is justified, while anything remotely criticizing the organization or their tactics is inherently immoral?
Which of the following is more offensive—supporting the flag of the United States or posting an antisemitic quote attributed to Adolf Hilter? Any normal person would agree that blatant antisemitism and a quote from Hitler is leagues worse than a tame expression of patriotism. Unless you’re in the NFL, that is.
New Orleans Saints quarterback Drew Brees came under fire for declaring his disagreement with kneeling during the national anthem, claiming it disrespected the flag. Brees was quickly labeled a racist, with no benefit of the doubt. Even when Brees apologized several times, his teammates and competitors have refused absolution. Brees received some support from conservatives pre-apology, but the NFL and pop culture has been largely against him.
When Eagles wide receiver DeSean Jackson took to social media to post antisemitic quotes in support of Black Lives Matter, he was defended by peers. Not only was the quote offensive in promoting antisemitic conspiracy theories, he also credited Adolf Hitler (though the quote did not actually belong to the genocidal dictator).
Jackson ultimately sort-of apologized on Instagram, conceding his words were merely ill-phrased and twisted by others, claiming he was unclear about the quote’s actual meaning, despite an apparent comfort with posting Hitler quotes praisingly.
The aforementioned quote details a conspiracy by Jewish Americans to oppress Black Americans in a world-domination effort. It was not posted in an effort to highlight its obvious awfulness, but to make a point about black oppression in America, agreeing with the sentiment.
Along with that quote, Jackson shared videos and quotes from Louis Farrakhan, leader of the notoriously antisemitic Nation of Islam.
DeSean Jackson, posts a quote from Hitler, says he’s not anti-Semitic and then highlights the particularly anti-Semitic part.
As an Eagles fan, this is disgusting. Where is the response from the team and the NFL? pic.twitter.com/MFPmz0PyOY
— Greg Price (@greg_price11) July 7, 2020
Jackson, shockingly, was not treated with the same vitriol that Brees experienced. Former NBA player Stephen Jackson said the Eagles player was “speaking the truth” and should not apologize in a now-deleted Instagram video, for which he later apologized. He also argued that the aggressively antisemitic posts had “nothing to do with antisemitism.”
Read the entire article HERE.
Pelosi: 'We Have To Knock The Statues Down To Find Out If They're Racist' https://t.co/JZyGvesrZp
— The Babylon Bee (@TheBabylonBee) July 10, 2020
Pelosi: ‘We Have To Knock The Statues Down To Find Out If They’re Racist’
Via The Babylon Bee (Satire)
WASHINGTON, D.C.—At her weekly press briefing today, Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi commented on the removal of statues by protesters, saying, “We have to knock the statues down to find out if they’re racist.”
Many have expressed concerns that the statue-toppling is going too far, but Pelosi urged everyone to remain calm and that statue-toppling is a natural part of the process of finding out which ones were actually bad and evil racists.
“We need to get them knocked over first, we need to push that through, and then we can see if they were actually racist,” she explained. “You won’t know until you pull them down.” Pelosi said that everyone should support the tearing down of all statues, whether they are of the Founding Fathers, the Hamburglar, or the Fonz. Later on, she said, we can find out whether or not they were actually icons of white supremacy.
She also promised that “if you like your statues, you can keep your statues” and asked reporters, “What difference, at this point, does it make?”
“Some rioters did something,” she added.
Check out all of the Bee’s takes on politics and culture HERE.
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