Why are there people that feel it’s their duty to be busybodies and try to force others into compliance? It’s like the doofuses that ride in the passing lane because they think it’s their duty to enforce the speed limit.
Nowadays it’s worse than ever. We are seeing the intolerant cancel culture trying to destroy anyone that doesn’t fit their very narrow definition of righteousness. And having been cooped up for months by Wuhan virus lockdowns, with nobody to boss around, the nutty busybodies are ready to explode.
This guy in the paint aisle of a department store incurred the wrath of two obnoxious nannies. They go on and on and on, ad nauseam. But he’s not cowed by these two.
It starts with one shamer. She cites the guy’s crimes not wearing a mask and not following the direction arrows on the aisle. He tells her, “Take a picture of me, does that make you feel better? Why don’t you get a life lady? Going around, taking pictures of people? I feel so sorry for you.”
As the second shamer comes into view, the guy says, “Oh God, another one! You people are like monkeys falling out of a tree!” And he’s not shy about flippin’ ’em both the bird.
I LOVE THIS GUY! pic.twitter.com/2LjCH6H1DL
—Josh Lekach
(@joshlecash) July 10, 2020
The man then mockingly tells the second woman to go “burn something down” or “tear a monument down,” to which the first woman replied, “Are you burning crosses?” “You people are f***ing idiots,” the man responds. (The Blaze)
And again, here’s where the Hillary Clinton type liberal shows her true colors. She tells the man, “Good luck with the virus. Good luck with the virus. Your whole family tree is getting cut off at its roots.” She made a lot more disparaging remarks, as you’ll hear, just like Hillary, Obama and the rest of the libs often do. They really hate anyone that is different, anyone that will not knuckle under.
One commenter on Twitter said that the town sided with Bub and ridiculed the women to the extent that they both shut down their Facebook pages.
Here’s where the shamers get their encouragement. From USA Today.
Appearing Tuesday on local radio station WPRO, Providence R.I. Mayor Jorge Elorza encouraged people to speak up if they see someone in public without a face mask or people gathering in large groups.
“You should socially shame them, so they fall in line,” Elorza said. (That is so typically Democrat.)
Radio host Gene Valicenti disagreed with the mayor, saying such a confrontation could lead to problems.
“You’re going to come across the wrong guy,” Valicenti said.
There seem to be more and more stories about Patriotic Americans being fed up and fighting back. Notice how the once wall-to-all coverage of the rioting and property destruction has fallen off? The left thought it would hurt Trump to keep showing “discontent”. But it backfired on them. People of ALL parties started to say “What the…? Whoa whoa whoa! This isnt who we are!” Conservative people are ‘as mad as hell, and they’re not gonna take it anymore.’