This story makes me smile. It illustrates that not all kids nowadays are snowflakes. In reality, kids aren’t usually born being sissies. Society turns them into sissies. They’re ruined by poor parenting, dopey TV programs and government school systems and universities intent on turning out easily-led sheep.
This little kid seems tough as nails. He ain’t a fat little pork pie, you can tell he’s an outdoor kid.
Six-year-old Bridger Walker fended off a dog, a German Shepherd mix, that was charging his 4-year-old sister. The two were visiting a neighbor’s house when the dog charged out of nowhere. He fought off the dog and suffered multiple dog bites to his face while trying to save his younger sister. The little girl was unharmed.
According to Bridger’s aunt, the boy saved his sister’s life by blocking the charging dog from getting to her.
The Aunt, Nikki Walker, said he then grabbed his sister by the hand and ran to safety after he was bitten.
Bridger later told his aunt, “If someone had to die, I thought it should be me.” Dang! What a kid!
After the attack, the dog’s owners told the Walker family they decided to euthanize it. It is unclear if they followed through, as Bridger said he didn’t want anything bad to happen to the dog.
Bridger needed surgery and received more than 90 stitches.
As an indication of the kid’s good upbringing, note this about his family. A lot of people would right away think of turning this into a big payday. For some reason, people seem all too willing to give money to strangers by various social media sites. I guess it gives them a feeling of helping out.
When people began to inquire if a GoFundMe page had been set up for Bridger and his family, the family did a great thing. When asked about it, the family suggested that people should instead contribute to the Wounded Warrior Project or Mission 22, both organizations that help veterans. How cool is that.
Bridger’s aunt did mention that Bridger is a huge fan of collecting rocks and is interested in science and geology. She added that anyone interested in sending him rocks can do so at the following address:
Bridger Walker
P.O. Box 22141
Cheyenne, WY 82003
It’s families like the Walker’s that Make America Great. And kids like Bridger that will Keep America Great!