Both Joe Biden and his token running mate Kamala Harris have stated on numerous occasions that they favor certain aspects of defunding the police. The liberal media fact-checkers however call President Trump a liar when he says Biden wants to defund the police. What will the brave pseudo journalists make of the new Biden/Harris political ad in which the say straight-up that they have a plan to defund the police? My guess is they will ignore it and continue to call Trump a liar.
Check this shitshow out that must have passed through several levels of scrutiny in the Biden campaign and still managed to get released:
This ad is a mess from the beginning.
“Why in this nation do black America wake up knowing they could lose their lifes in the course of just living their life?” Biden asks clumsily.
What? They couldn’t do another take? Maybe after a hour or so of Biden flubbing “Americans” and “lives” his handlers figured it was close enough.
Also, how does Joe Biden figure that all 42 million black Americans wake up every morning worried they will be killed by a police officer? Nobody, including black people, are killed just for living their lives, unless their life is being a criminal who attacks cops with deadly weapons. In reality, Biden is saying that all black people are scumbags, which dovetails nicely with his claim that blacks are all the same.
After Biden says the real problem in this country is that black people aren’t treated with dignity, Harris chimed in with their defund the police plan.
“Reforming policing in this country means creating a national standard on use of force and conditioning federal funds for police departments on adoption of that standard,” said Harris.
Stay with me on this one: if Biden/Harris create an arbitrary standard for all police departments and the ones who refuse to adopt that standard have federal funding pulled, that is the textbook definition of defunding the police. “Defunding” means to remove or withhold funding, which is exactly what Harris has described in this ad.
It actually gets worse because in addition to wanting to defund the police, Biden/Harris want to eliminate the profession of law enforcement altogether.
“It’s about reigning in qualified immunity, we hold police officers accountable,” said Harris.
Qualified immunity is basically a thing in which police officers cannot be sued for anything they do in the course of their duties. Biden/Harris want to “reign” this in, meaning eliminate it, which would allow every scumbag on the street to sue cops for whatever reason. Nobody is going to be a police officer if there is a real possibility they could be financially ruined every time they go out on a call. Getting rid of qualified immunity will effectively get rid of the police, which is much worse than defunding.
Biden calls this full-assault on the police “racial justice” and says it will “change people’s lives for the better.”
Well, it will change criminals lives for the better, that’s for sure. Everyone else? Not so much.
Finally, Joe showed his complete disconnect from reality with this:
“It’s about who were are, what we believe, and maybe most importantly who we want to be,” said Biden.
How is he speaking for every American? I don’t want to defund the police. I don’t want to live in a country with no law and order. I don’t believe any of this shit and neither do almost every other person in the country, including morons who will vote for these to anti-America/anti-cop clowns.