
Good morning Deplorables!
"Is BLM the Mask behind which the Oligarchs Operate??" – Mike Whitney https://t.co/kfFoCR6F8i
— The Unz Review (@UnzReview) September 9, 2020
Is BLM the Mask Behind Which the Oligarchs Operate??
By Mike Whitney/The Unz Review
Here’s your BLM Pop Quiz for the day: What do “Critical Race Theory”, “The 1619 Project”, and Homeland Security’s “White Supremacist” warning tell us about what’s going on in America today?
- They point to deeply-embedded racism that shapes the behavior of white people
- They suggest that systemic racism cannot be overcome by merely changing attitudes and laws
- They alert us to the fact that unresolved issues are pushing the country towards a destructive race war
- They indicate that powerful agents — operating from within the state– are inciting racial violence to crush the emerging “populist” majority that elected Trump to office in 2016 and which now represents an existential threat to the globalist plan to transform America into a tyrannical third-world “shithole”.
Which of these four statements best explains what’s going on in America today?
If you chose Number 4, you are right. We are not experiencing a sudden and explosive outbreak of racial violence and mayhem. We are experiencing a thoroughly-planned, insurgency-type operation that involves myriad logistical components including vast, nationwide riots, looting and arson, as well as an extremely impressive ideological campaign. “Critical Race Theory”, “The 1619 Project”, and Homeland Security’s “White Supremacist” warning are as much a part of the Oligarchic war on America as are the burning of our cities and the toppling of our statues. All three, fall under the heading of “ideology”, and all three are being used to shape public attitudes on matters related to our collective identity as “Americans”.
The plan is to overwhelm the population with a deluge of disinformation about their history, their founders, and the threats they face, so they will submissively accept a New Order imposed by technocrats and their political lackeys. This psychological war is perhaps more important than Operation BLM which merely provides the muscle for implementing the transformative “Reset” that elites want to impose on the country. The real challenge is to change the hearts and minds of a population that is unwaveringly patriotic and violently resistant to any subversive element that threatens to do harm to their country. So, while we can expect this propaganda saturation campaign to continue for the foreseeable future, we don’t expect the strategy will ultimately succeed. At the end of the day, America will still be America, unbroken, unflagging and unapologetic.
Let’s look more carefully at what is going on.
On September 4, the Department of Homeland Security issued a draft report stating that “White supremacists present the gravest terror threat to the United States”. According to an article in Politico:
“…all three draft (versions of the document) describe the threat from white supremacists as the deadliest domestic terror threat facing the U.S., listed above the immediate danger from foreign terrorist groups…. John Cohen, who oversaw DHS’s counterterrorism portfolio from 2011 to 2014, said the drafts’ conclusion isn’t surprising.
“This draft document seems to be consistent with earlier intelligence reports from DHS, the FBI, and other law enforcement sources: thatthe most significant terror-related threat facing the US today comes from violent extremists who are motivated by white supremacy and other far-right ideological causes,” he said….
“Lone offenders and small cells of individuals motivated by a diverse array of social, ideological, and personal factors will pose the primary terrorist threat to the United States,” the draft reads. “Among these groups, we assess that white supremacist extremists …will pose the most persistent and lethal threat.”..(“DHS draft document: White supremacists are greatest terror threat” Politico)
This is nonsense. White supremacists do not pose the greatest danger to the country, that designation goes to the left-wing groups that have rampaged through more than 2,000 US cities for the last 100 days. Black Lives Matter and Antifa-generated riots have decimated hundreds of small businesses, destroyed the lives and livelihoods of thousands of merchants and their employees, and left entire cities in a shambles. The destruction in Kenosha alone far exceeds the damage attributable to the activities of all the white supremacist groups combined.
So why has Homeland Security made this ridiculous and unsupportable claim? Why have they chosen to prioritize white supremacists as “the most persistent and lethal threat” when it is clearly not true?
There’s only one answer: Politics.
The officials who concocted this scam are advancing the agenda of their real bosses, the oligarch puppet-masters who have their tentacles extended throughout the deep-state and use them to coerce their lackey bureaucrats to do their bidding. In this case, the honchos are invoking the race card (“white supremacists”) to divert attention from their sinister destabilization program, their looting of the US Treasury (for their crooked Wall Street friends), their demonizing of the mostly-white working class “America First” nationalists who handed Trump the 2016 election, and their scurrilous scheme to establish one-party rule by installing their addlepated meat-puppet candidate (Biden) as president so he can carry out their directives from the comfort of the Oval Office. That’s what’s really going on.
Read the entire article HERE.
How Democrats’ Attacks On The 2020 Election’s Legitimacy Set The Stage For Revolution https://t.co/KeFl3SjGqH
— The Federalist (@FDRLST) September 9, 2020
How Democrats’ Attacks On The 2020 Election’s Legitimacy Set The Stage For Revolution
Via The Federalist
Nothing will more effectively halt Democrats’ efforts at pushing our country into full-scale civil conflict than shining a bright light on their objectives for all to see.
Democrats have been masters at messaging for decades. They focus on a single idea, they and their corrupt allies in the media magnify and propagate the idea, and then they all repeat it endlessly until it is accepted as fact. The idea Democrats are pushing today is that before voting has even begun, the 2020 presidential election is illegitimate.
Why are Democrats working to undermine the election, rather than working to win it? On the chance that President Donald Trump is re-elected, they are attempting to veto the vote and bring about revolution in America.
This is why Sens. Bernie Sanders and Chuck Schumer pretend Trump won’t leave office if defeated. It’s why House Speaker Nancy Pelosi continues to insist the president is Vladimir Putin’s “accomplice.” It’s why the mayor of San Francisco so casually calls the president a “terrorist” and “dictator.” It’s why Democrat vice presidential candidate Kamala Harris is already blaming Joe Biden’s loss on “Russian interference.”
It’s why Hillary Clinton insists Biden should not concede the election until Democrats have a chance to throw state vote counts into chaos, why Bill Clinton is selling the idea that Trump will “stack sandbags” to stay in the White House, and why certain “Washington insiders” have a plan to undertake “unprecedented” measures to overthrow Trump after he wins re-election. The Democratic Party is actively working to create the conditions necessary to trigger a political revolution.
What the left has accomplished so far is just the beginning. They have unleashed violence and mayhem across America with Antifa and Black Lives Matter paramilitary shock troops destroying cities. Republicans with a distaste for Trump, such as Mitt Romney, continue to willfully ignore what the Democrats are orchestrating by outrageously pretending it is the president, not the marauding mobs on the streets, who is trying to incite a race war.
Democratic mayors and governors are working overtime to maximize their constituents’ pain and suffering by keeping small businesses shut down, churches closed, and sports leagues canceled. All of these cascading events are a means to an end.
Democrats Are Prepping for Revolution
This past weekend, Michael McFaul, Obama’s former ambassador to Russia and a Stanford University professor, tweeted: “Trump has lost the Intelligence Community. He has lost the State Department. He has lost the military. How can he continue to serve as our Commander in Chief?” His argument was immediately and rightly mocked online for presuming that generals, diplomats, and spies should decide who sits in the Oval Office, while ignoring Article II of the Constitution and the American people’s say in the matter.
McFaul’s no dummy, though. He’s an expert on political revolution, has studied extensively the Color Revolutions that took place in former Soviet republics and during the Arab Spring, and was the chief architect of Obama’s Russian reset policy.
Stacey Lennox at PJ Media highlighted the subtext of McFaul’s message, that Democrats have achieved a key variable for political revolution: divisions among the U.S. military. The preposterous Atlantic story last week that painted Trump as insensitive to our fallen military heroes seemed less about splintering his vote from active and retired service members and more about weakening our military leadership’s constitutional loyalty to the commander in chief.
Lennox warned what McFaul and the Democratic Party were up to back in June, when John Kerry threatened revolution this November should Trump win. At the time, she highlighted a 2005 academic article McFaul wrote that listed seven “common factors” that made revolution in post-communist countries possible: “1) a semi-autocratic rather than fully autocratic regime; 2) an unpopular incumbent; 3) a united and organized opposition; 4) an ability quickly to drive home the point that voting results were falsified, 5) enough independent media to inform citizens about the falsified vote, 6) a political opposition capable of mobilizing tens of thousands or more demonstrators to protest electoral fraud, and 7) divisions among the regime’s coercive forces.”
McFaul Signals Revolution Is Now Achievable
When Lennox first noted McFaul’s seven conditions for revolution in June, she argued — incorrectly, in part, because America is not a semi-autocratic regime — that the only variable left for the Democratic Party to set into place was number four, an “invigorating event” that would delegitimize the election process. Now, continuously hammered by the Democratic Party, its accomplices in the media, and its brigade of NeverTrumpers, is that Trump will steal the election and refuse to leave office.
Democrats are actively sabotaging the 2020 election by pushing “cheat-by-mail” voter fraud. They are intentionally creating a narrative that Trump’s re-election should be viewed as illegitimate. They aren’t, however, necessarily setting the stage for a Biden presidency. Their campaign of disinformation could result in the fall of the American system of government once and for all.
A conscious signal or not, McFaul’s tweet this weekend about a divided military was essentially a “go code” that revolution is now achievable. Whether he is right is irrelevant. What is important is that Americans quickly understand the dangerous game Democrats are setting into motion. Nothing will more effectively halt Democrats’ efforts at pushing our country into full-scale civil conflict than shining a bright light on their objectives for all to see.
Read the entire article HERE.
https://t.co/26LIC0wJ4x pic.twitter.com/lRNYFUh4Q1
— Aaron Maté (@aaronjmate) September 7, 2020
Let’s Give Trump Some Credit—On Labor Day He Threw Down the Gauntlet to the Corrupt Military Brass
By Paul Craig Roberts
Trump said that the Pentagon brass don’t love him, “because they want to do nothing but fight wars so that all of those wonderful companies that make the bombs and make the planes and make eveything else stay happy.”
President John F. Kennedy was assassinated by the military/security complex for making the same point (see, for example, JFK and the Unspeakable by James W. Douglass, Simon & Schuster, 2008).
The US military/security complex has had its crosshairs on Trump since his first presidential campaign when he said that he was going to normalize relations with Russia. I don’t think Trump realized what a massive NO-NO this is. Trump was telling the military-security complex that he was going to take away their concocted enemy that justifies the lucrative $1,000 billion annual budget paid by American taxpayers.
This enormous sum enriches a large number of companies along with the CIA’s power and budget. To tell a powerful institutionalized force that you are going to take away their justification for diverting increasingly scarce American resources into their bank accounts is to ask for assassination. President Trump is in the process of being assassinated, but it is not by bullets. Not even dumbshit Americans will believe another “lone assassin” story. Trump is being assassinated with a coup.
The military/security complex responded to Trump’s policy of normalizing relations with Russia with “Russiagate,” an orchestration initiated by CIA director John Brennan and FBI director Comey. The CIA has had the media in its pocket since Operation Mockingbird dating back to 1950.
The CIA’s “Russiagate” attack on President Trump served the interests of Hillary Clinton and the Democrat Party. The corrupt Democrats quickly joined forces with the CIA and the CIA’s media whores. The attack on Trump was underway and has not stopped since.
As I posted here the Democrats have worked out with the CIA and the presstitutes their coup plan if Trump is reelected, which he will be. Most Americans, black, white, hispanic and Asian do not want rioting and looting as everyday experience, which is what we now know the Democrats will give us.
President Trump’s chief of staff, Mark Meadows, said today that Trump is “not going to let some lobbyists here in Washington DC – just because they want a new defense contract – suggest that soldiers need to stay abroad one minute longer than they should.”
Everytime Trump has tried to bring our soldiers home, he has been stymied by the military/security complex and the presstitute media. All sorts of phony reasons are concocted and put into the media about why withdrawal would be inimical to American interest. Many American partiots fall for the concocted arguments and turn against Trump for “endangering America.”
Nothing better illustrates President Trump’s vulnerability than the fact that his own Defense Secretary has not rejected the unsupported anonymous allegation made by a Jew in the Atlantic that President Trump bad-mouthed American war dead and refused to visit a cemetery in France where many are buried. Even President Trump’s enemy, John Bolton, has refuted the Jew’s allegation. Bolton said on the record:
“I didn’t hear either of those comments or anything even resembling them,’ Bolton told Fox News. ‘I was there at the point in time that morning when it was decided that he would not go to Aisne-Marne cemetery … It was entirely a weather-related decision, and I thought the proper thing to do.
“I never heard he made that kind of comment about another country’s forces either, no.”
“Fox correspondent John Roberts, who conducted the Bolton interview, added that he has told him, ‘if [Donald Trump] had said he didn’t want to visit Aisne-Marne because the interred heroes were ‘losers’ and ‘suckers,’ he would have written an entire chapter about it in his book, The Room Where It Happened.” See here.
The Atlantic is part of the CIA’s media assets. The story was handed to the Jewish editor, Jeffrey Goldberg, and the two-bit puppet performed for his master. The two-bit puppet went on to say that he expects “more confirmation and new pieces of information” to come out in the coming days and weeks that will coroborate that Trump called US war dead “losers and suckers.”
In other words, Goldberg is acknowledging that he will continue to be a military/security mouthpiece in driving Trump from office. The purpose of the CIA story handed to Goldberg is to discredit Trump with his patriotic supporters, those who wave the flag, and especially the retired military. The way the coming coup against Trump works is to turn his supporters against him so that he is isolated and can be ejected from office
Goldberg’s sources, he says, are anonymous. But they are not. His “sources” are his military/security masters.
Read the entire article HERE.
PITTSBURGH PA pic.twitter.com/PxZGxpJIca
— Next POTUS – Dr RollerGator PhD Rt'd by DJT (@drrollergator) September 6, 2020
BLM protester caught on video harassing diners denies being the ‘aggressor’
Via The Pittsburgh Post-Gazette
Pittsburgh police are investigating after videos of a Saturday protest in Downtown Pittsburgh showed protesters yelling at restaurant patrons and breaking a glass.
The videos, which have been viewed millions of times on Facebook and Twitter, show anti-racism protesters shouting profanities at diners at Sienna Mercato on Penn Avenue.
In the footage, some people who are eating outside begin to leave their tables. One protester, Nique Craft, approaches a table and drinks a diner’s beverage.
A pair of patrons look on as the beer is consumed, and Craft sets the beer back on the table.
Another protester approaches and swipes a glass off a table, causing it to shatter on the ground.
Another video shows a protester yelling through a megaphone at a man holding a bicycle. The bicyclist smacks the megaphone, and another protester hits the bicyclist in the head with a skateboard. It is not clear from the video what started the confrontation.
Craft, who identifies as nonbinary, said the videos show only one side of the story and that there were three men from outside the protest who were screaming “Blue lives matter” at the protesters. When protesters began to confront them, one man began swinging a bike at people.
According to Craft’s account, a man began grabbing Craft’s hair and placed his hand on Craft’s chest, saying he was trying to stop Craft from engaging with another man.
When the confrontation ended, Craft said, a man in the restaurant began condemning the protesters’ actions. The woman who was with him offered Craft to come over, have a beer and talk about the situation.
“So, being a theatrical, snarky type of person that I am, I said that I don’t have time to wait for you to order another beer; I will take the one you have,” Craft said.
Craft did not recognize the man who swung the skateboard.
“Even though people [at the restaurant] saw that whole thing, they still saw me as an aggressor,” Craft said, adding that people like to look at videos and speculate on what they would have done in the situation without knowing what it was really like in the moment.
Videos of the incident were first shared on Facebook by a user named Grace Harvey, and then reposted on a Twitter page that frequently posts anti-protest content.
Ms. Harvey could not be reached for comment. On her Facebook page, she wrote, “We witnessed demonstrators bullying, harassing and physically assaulting random people simply walking past them or quietly enjoying a meal.”
She continued, “People were shaken & scared as they ran away from their tables around us.”
Lorenzo Rulli, who can be seen in the video wearing a thin, purple garment and standing in the dining area, said the videos show only one side of the story and the protesters were harassed by several agitators.
Neither Mr. Rulli nor Craft were organizers of the protest. In the video, Mr. Rulli is yelling obscenities at diners.
“[Expletive] 12,” he says in the video, 12 being a reference to police. “And [expletive] the white people that built the system set against mine.” He then shows someone his middle finger.
“We don’t target businesses,” Mr. Rulli told the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette. “Our restaurant industry in the city supports us very much. We were talking to people that were talking to us. The beer that was consumed was an offer. The glass that fell was a mistake.”
He said people in the restaurant were cheering on the protesters, but the video doesn’t show that because it shows only one side.
Read the entire article HERE.
Awesome: Netflix Will Now Just Pump Septic Waste Straight Into Your Living Room https://t.co/EQTPZxS3dK
— The Babylon Bee (@TheBabylonBee) September 9, 2020
Awesome: Netflix Will Now Just Pump Septic Waste Straight Into Your Living Room
Via The Babylon Bee (Satire)
LOS GATOS, CA—Streaming giant Netflix has announced a new and innovative service that will literally just pump thousands of gallons of septic waste right into your living room. For the low price of $8.99 per month, you can watch as a sewage truck backs up to your house and pipes 2,000 gallons of brown sludge through the wall until you are neck-deep in toxic waste.
“The industry is evolving, and we’re evolving with it,” said Reed Hastings, co-CEO and chairman of Netflix. “We started to realize we were paying people millions of dollars to produce expensive septic waste for the family to enjoy and consume unquestionably. As it turns out, you can get the putrid sludge straight from an underground tank for free! Who would’ve guessed! This will cut billions of dollars from our expenses and enable us to deliver more sewage to your home than ever before!”
The CEO also said not to read too much into the new service: “It’s not a metaphor or anything. It’s just raw, pure, untreated sewage.”
Enthusiastic Netflix customers have jumped on this new service and are gleefully rolling in their slime-coated living rooms. “I don’t like all the waste,” said one excited parent. “But sometimes, it doesn’t smell all that bad. Definitely worth the $8.99 per month!”
Starting next year, Netflix will also offer a more premium service that allows you to have your septic waste delivered by a real-life drag queen.
Check out all of the Bee’s takes on politics and culture HERE.
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