The democrats didn’t steal the White House to have Joe Biden’s agenda blocked by a Republican Senate so they went ahead and stole the upper chamber of Congress as well. Predictably, the democrats have “won” the Georgia run-off election, which gives them effective control of the Senate, with VP Kamala Harris being the tie-breaker. Let the socialism begin!
Georgia, one of the states stolen to secure Biden’s illegitimate presidency, had a special run-off election for both of its Senators. The reliably-red state had two Republican Senators, but now they have 2 democratic Senators. While the presidential race in November took weeks to steal, results from Tuesday’s run-off election are already in because they have streamlined their election theft procedures.
Democrat Rapheal Warnock is projected to defeat Republican Kelly Loeffler and Democrat Jon Ossoff is projected to beat Republican David Purdue. That makes the Senate 50 democrats and 50 Republicans. With the VP casting the tie-breaking vote in the Senate, Kamala Harris is essentially the 51st democratic Senator. There is nothing standing between our freedom and the left’s whacko agenda any more.
The news that the democrats have stolen the Senator is completely predictable. In fact, Def-Con News called it last week:
The Georgia special election, which will determine what party controls the Senate, will be stolen by the democrats. They already stole the state for Biden so what’s one more theft? Besides, there’s no point in stealing the White House if they can’t steal the Senate too. How else are they going to push their leftist socialist agenda?
That prediction doesn’t make us fortune-telling geniuses, because everyone saw this coming. The democrats even spelled out how they planned on pulling this grand larceny off:
Democrats Reveal Plan To Steal Senate Run-Off Election In Georgia
Democrats haven’t even finished trying to steal Georgia in the presidential election but are already planning on stealing the state’s run-off election. Both of Georgia’s Senate seats are close enough that they are headed for a run-off in January and democrats have figured out a way to cheat the system. The state has very lenient residency laws so democrats are telling people to temporarily move to Georgia to vote for the democratic Senate candidates.
Democrats are advocating for “blue voters” to become Georgia residents for the upcoming runoff elections. Georgia doesn’t have a minimum residency requirement, which poses a legal loophole for both parties. Democrats could drum up enough voters to match general election turnouts and flip the state, and Republicans could ensure their hold on two Senate seats.
Additionally, the state’s voter I.D. laws allow individuals to use an out-of-state driver’s license to vote.
So just how stolen was this Georgia run-off election? Let’s look at the numbers:
In November, David Purdue beat Jon Ossoff 2,462,617 to 2,374,519. In Tuesday’s run-off, Ossoff beat Purdue 2,211,603 to 2,194,578 with 98% reporting. How did the Republican lose 268,039 votes in 2 months?
In November, there were a dozen candidates running including Kelly Loeffler and Raphael Warnock, and the Republicans beat the democrats 2,253,668 to 1,617,035. In Tuesday’s run-off, Warnock beat Loeffler 2,230,231 to 2,176,048 with 98% reporting. How did the democrat pick up 613,196 votes in 2 months?
In November, there were a total of 4,952,175 votes cast in the Purdue Ossoff race. In Tuesday’s run-off, there were a total of 4,406,181 votes with 98% reporting.
In November, there were a total of 4,914,361 votes cast in the Loeffler/Warnock race. In Tuesday’s run-off there were a total of 4,406,279 votes with 98% reporting.
There were around a half-million less voters in the run-off than the presidential election and yet the democrats picked up hundreds of thousands of votes. That number also points to the fact that there were probably 500,000 fraudulent votes in the presidential election in Georgia, which Biden “won” by 11,780.
The numbers make no sense in Georgia, but the “Republicans” who run the state’s election aren’t going to look into them the same way they refused to audit the votes in November. The theft of our Country is complete and now comes the socialism.