The left is in the process of erasing, yes, cancelling President Trump. And by extension, they erase, delegitmize US.
Invoke the 25th amendment? With only a dozen days left in the Trump presidency?
The marxists want to declare him unfit. Remove him. Taint his presidency forever.
Impeach him. Rendering him unable to ever run again.
They fear this man, Donald Trump.
They want to erase him from social and traditional media, giving him and his supporters NO OUTLET to express their thoughts.
And it’s not just the left. It’s also a large part of the Swampy Republican traitors. And I don’t mean that they are traitorous just against Trump. They are traitorous towards us, our form of government, the Constitution, the Republic.
I suppose that what I write next could put me on a watch list kept by the federal law enforcement agencies. They capture, store, and preserve all electronic communications.
But I’ll write it anyway. I’m really no threat. I’m an old broken down man. The only threat I pose is the words I write.
All of news media, even the “conservative” media, is saying that “violence is not the way”. Well, what is the way when one is up against the wall? I’m not advocating a violent uprising. But I want to know, what is the way?
I only ask, what do we do next? What did The Colonials do next? They had tried to make an equitable compromise with a corrupt ruling government for many years. The government’s response? Apply more pressure. Tighten the screws.
When the screws are tightened beyond the point of tolerable stress, something snaps.
If we are talking literal screws, and they shear, disaster can ensue.
Now, some mechanical devices employ a shear pin. It’s purpose is to break, as a fail safe. Let the pin break, rather than a more expensive, more critical part.
Years ago, when I lived in snow country, I had a snow blower. I’d push it pretty hard, but it was a real rugged machine. An Ariens. It was made to work hard.
But sometimes, in a wet heavy snow, the chute would clog, the augers would clog, and everything would jam up. And the shear pin would snap, thus saving all of the expensive components from damage. Shut ‘er down. Clean out all of the wet packed-in snow. Pull the pieces of the broken pin, insert a new pin, and carry on. I always had a ziploc bag containing several shear pins in the garage.
Is there a “shear pin” that will snap when the country is under unusually harsh stress? Did the national shear pin fail? Is loud and vigorous protest the pin? Or does that indicate that the pin failed to do it’s job and something more important broke?
Is there ever a remedy when all else fails?
The remedy that the Colonials eventually settled on was armed resistance. Revolution. Was that the correct choice? What does history tell us?
A few months back, a bearded warrior, in an interview with a DefCon writer, spoke of the negative and damaging effects of taking life.
If you’ve not read it, you need to. If you have read it, read it again. Often.
That article has stuck with me. I think of it often. It was very sobering. No one, having read the bearded one’s haunting thoughts, should want to take another’s life. Talk about a life changing experience. About a deep wound, a wound of conscience, a mental and moral wound. A sacrificial wound. If only there were a way to assuage that one’s pain….
So none of us should ever, in a cavalier manner, advocate violence as a remedy.
Is armed insurrection ever necessary? Should the Colonials have refused to take up arms against an oppressive government? That’s something that every individual, after serious self-examination and prayerful meditation, must decide for oneself.
I hope it’s a decision I never have to make. I’m old enough to not be afraid to die (I think). But I am scared of living with the pain of having killed.
Also, the later War Between the States was devastating.
Let’s hope that we are not forced to fight a second war of fratricide. A war against fellow American citizens.
But if the choice is between Liberty and Servitude…?