Following a minor skirmish by Trump supporters at the Capitol on Wednesday, that liberals have deemed “domestic terrorism” and an “insurrection,” Hollywood is demanding that the President be impeached and arrested. Never mind that Trump condemned the breach of the Capitol and sent in the National Guard to calm things down, rich liberal celebrities blame him for inciting it and want him punished.
Trump may be leaving in a couple of weeks, but Trump Derangement Syndrome ain’t going anywhere. Here’s Resistance leader Meathead demonstarting that he doesn’t know what any words mean:
Trump needs to be arrested for Sedition, Treason, and Inciting Violence.
— Rob Reiner (@robreiner) January 6, 2021
Sedition is inciting people to overthrow the government and since Donald Trump is still the President of the United States, AKA the head of the governemnet, it would be impossible for him to incite people to overthrow himself. Treason is giving aide to our enemies, so Reiner must believe that the American people are the enemy for invoking this. The only violence at the Capitol was from the Capitol police murdering Trump supporters and even Reiner can’t believe Trump incited that.
And with that, Hollywood says Trump has to go now:
Impeach and Remove him. NOW.
— George Takei (@GeorgeTakei) January 6, 2021
Impeach and remove. Impeach and remove. Impeach and remove. Impeach and remove. Impeach and remove. Impeach and remove. Impeach and remove. Impeach and remove. Impeach and remove. Impeach and remove. Impeach and remove. Impeach and remove. Impeach and remove. Immediately.
— Mike Birbiglia (@birbigs) January 6, 2021
Trump must be impeached and removed from office tomorrow. To protect our country so he will be barred from holding office ever again.#IMPEACH
— Debra Messing (@DebraMessing) January 6, 2021
When is enough enough? Impeach him. We are long past the luxury of making it a conversation…
— h (@halsey) January 7, 2021
The president is directing the insurrection and is poised to do untold damage over the last two weeks of his term. He must be impeached and removed immediately.
— Sean Astin (@SeanAstin) January 6, 2021
And fat pig Rosie O’Donnell would also like to see Trump in jail:
arrest trump now #25thAmendmentNow #Accountability #ArrestDonaldTrump
— ROSIE (@Rosie) January 6, 2021
Many called on Vide President Mike Pence to invoke the 25th Amendment to remove Trump from office:
A real Vice President and real Cabinet members would invoke the 25th Amendment, and Mike Pence would become acting President immediately to calm the unrest caused by the soon to be Ex-President.
— Tim Matheson (@Tim_Matheson) January 6, 2021
25th Amendment him. He is unfit for even the next two weeks.
— bettemidler (@BetteMidler) January 7, 2021
25th Amendment! That’s the Tweet. #CoupAttempt
— Mark Ruffalo (@MarkRuffalo) January 6, 2021
Invoke. The. 25th. Amendment.
— Amber Tamblyn (@ambertamblyn) January 6, 2021
John Cryer lived up to his last name with this tweet blaming Republicans:
Shame on every Republican senator who refused to remove Trump during impeachment.
This is on you.
— Jon Cryer (@MrJonCryer) January 6, 2021
And then Trump supporters stormed the Capital and the Republican Party STILL did nothing… #25thAmendment
— Jim Gaffigan (@JimGaffigan) January 6, 2021
And finally, human bridge troll Patton Oswald seems to be under the impression that Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey has the authority to remove a sitting President:
Shut down his goddamn Twitter feed and throw him in motherfucking jail. NOW.
— Patton Oswalt (@pattonoswalt) January 6, 2021
This is what happens when celebrities realize that their only reason for being is about to disappear. They’ve been defined solely by their irrational fear of Donald Trump and now that they won’t have that in their lives anymore, they’re panicking. What will they be without the Resistance? Who will pay attention to them when they can’t freak out on Trump any longer?