Did Mitch McConnell sacrifice his Senate seat to save his life? His constituents and colleagues are having a fit over Mitch’s claim of Trump’s involvement in the fake Capitol Insurrection. He may never be re-elected because of that. His political career, and the riches and power that go along with it, are near and dear to his heart. So, what could be a fate worse than that? What did Mitch stand to lose?
(Of course, Mitch was just re-elected, largely do his buddying up with Trump. President Trump went way beyond the extra mile to help Mitch get re-elected. And we’ve learned that anyone can win elections if they’re in the club.)
And why did Elaine Chao, Mitch’s wife, suddenly quit on Trump. She happily worked in the administration for years.
Her family is Chinese. Chao and McConnell are involved in her family’s Chinese shipping firm, the New York-based company, Foremost Group.
The House Oversight Committee said (in September, 2020) it is investigating whether Transportation Secretary Elaine Chao acted improperly to benefit herself or her family’s shipping company.
Two Democratic leaders sent Chao a letter asking her to turn over documents and communications related to the New York-based company, Foremost Group. Chao’s father and sisters own the company, which transports material to and from China.
“Federal regulations prohibit federal employees from using their public offices for ‘the private gain of friends, relatives or persons with whom the employee is affiliated in a non-governmental capacity,’ ” the lawmakers wrote in a seven-page letter to Chao.
The New York Times and Politico have reported that Chao may have used her Cabinet position to benefit the company and increase its influence and status with the Chinese government. China has extended hundreds of millions of dollars in low-interest loans to the company for the purchase of foreign-flagged ships.
The Foremost Group is based in the US but has ties to China and The CCP. The company was founded by Chao’s father and its current CEO is her sister.
Chao has accompanied her father or sister to more than a dozen events in China in roughly the last decade, which have included meetings with Chinese government officials. Sounds just like the Joe and Hunter Biden pay to play scheme.
Breitbart News senior contributor Peter Schweizer on Sunday detailed how Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) and his wife Elaine Chao are financially tied to the Chinese Communist Party.
Schweizer said on Fox News Channel’s “The Next Revolution” that McConnell’s “position on China has softened over the years,” which he argued is due to the growing relationship between the Chinese government and the Chao’s company.
“Really, it goes to the fact that Mitch McConnell and Elaine Chao, his wife, are financially tied to the Chinese government,” Schweizer outlined. “And it comes through the shipbuilding company that Elaine Chao’s family owns. That relationship was forged in December of 1993 when James Chao, Elaine Chao’s father, Elaine Chao, and the new son-in-law, Senator Mitch McConnell, visited Beijing, China, at the invitation of the China state shipbuilding corporation.
The result of that meeting and the deals that followed is that today the Chinese government finances the construction of the ships for the shipbuilding company, they build the ships, they provide the crews for the ship, and they provide the cargo for the ship. So, the Chinese government could pull the plug tomorrow on this business. And the reason they’re doing business with them, let’s make it clear, is because Mitch McConnell is a very powerful figure in Washington, D.C.
Also, “over a period of five years, millions of dollars were quietly funneled to a Chao family foundation via two offshore firms that list a New York address but are not incorporated anywhere in the United States. Two entities with the same names, however, are incorporated in the Marshall Islands, known as one of the world’s most secretive offshore havens for firms seeking to avoid taxes and a preferred foreign locale for the Foremost Group, the Chao family’s New York-based shipping business. The Foremost Group and a spokesperson for the Department of Transportation declined to comment on where the two donating firms are incorporated.”
And so McConnell condemned Trump, Chao quit Trump, and nothing more is being said about the Democrats investigating the feckless couple. With Trump out of the way, perhaps Mitch DOES get keep his Senate seat.
It appears that our entire political system is rotten to the core. Only we, the people, can make this right.