Trump knew the truth about Palestinians. They are not a race, not a nationality. They are the descendants of Arabs of various lands that were displaced after WW2. They are now thugs that no Arab nation really wants.
Think about it…if Arab nations sympathized with the “The Palestinians”, don’t you think someone would offer to take them in?
The left won’t admit this. The “poor homeless Palestinians” are another cause for which to virtue signal. Another excuse to dump on the USA and Israel.
President Trump took decisive action concerning the PLO problem. First, Trump moved the US embassy in Israel where it belonged, to the Israeli capitol of Jerusalem. Then Trump took the “need for the Palestinians to return to their homeland” off the table.
“Today, we finally acknowledge the obvious: that Jerusalem is Israel’s capital,” Trump said in December at the White House. “This is nothing more, or less, than a recognition of reality. It is also the right thing to do. It’s something that has to be done.”
Once Brave President Trump minimized the Palestinians, dramatic events occurred in the Middle East. Several Arab nations have now normalized relations with Israel. (There really is no Palestinian homeland. As mentioned, they are just a collection of rabble rowsers that no-one else wants. They are the Middle East equivilent of Antifa/BLM.)
Like most Arab countries, Syria denies citizenship to Palestinians. Children born in Syria to fathers who are Palestinian nationals are considered Palestinians, not Syrian nationals.
Palestinians in Jordan are still treated as not real Jordanians, and the native Jordanians regard them as people who will leave one day to live across the river. There are a lot of Palestinians in Jordan who have no citizenship, no health benefits, and very few human rights.
Now, the Biden administration has made it clear that it hopes to restore aid to the Palestinian Authority (PA). The PA was cut off by the State Department for “Palestinian financial mismanagement and support for terrorism.” There are also reports that the Biden team wants to reopen the PLO Washington office.
In addition, restoration of the “peace process” is on the agenda. But the Palestinians DO NOT WANT PEACE. What the PLO does want is
An independent state without recognizing a legitimate and permanent State of Israel in any territory.
Control of East Jerusalem as the capital of the Palestinian state.
The right of entry for all remaining 1948–1950 Arab refugees from Britain’s Mandatory Palestine, as well as their descendants, to any place within pre-1967 Israel in which they or their antecedents claim to have lived.
The Palestinians also demand they be allowed to go to Israel as they choose (the so-called “right of return”); to formulate their resettlement (and compensation) in the new State of Palestine; or formulate their resettlement (and compensation) somewhere else.
By again legitimizing the Palestinians, Biden is poking a hornet’s nest. He’s going to get stung, and so will a lot of innocent people around the world.