From Mike Baxter on Real Raw News, the military leadership is displeased with the initial actions of Joe Biden. And as reported, the Generals have expressed support for President Trump.
“Don’t worry, Mr. President, we got your back,” Gen. Dickenson told Trump.
In his initial 48 hours in office, by Executive Order Biden ended many of President Trump’s noted accomplishments:
- He suspended construction on the border wall.
- He rejoined the Paris Accords.
- He signed executive orders mandating that law-abiding American citizens wear potentially dangerous facemasks while on federal property and on public transportation.
- He slashed America’s defense budget, which will likely cripple the nation’s defense readiness status.
I don’t care to understand why liberals, Democrats vote Democrat. I’m merely amazed they in fact do vote Democrat.
Granted President Trump won the election, however, tens of millions of voters actually voted for Biden. The blockheads seemingly blindly cast their votes without even being at least partly cognizant of the ramifications of a Democrat victory.
For example, a friend of mine and his wife–I believe she is the stanch liberal and he votes Democrat, in part, to keep peace in the home–are avowed Democrats. Soon after word surfaced of the Democrat assault on the U.S. firearms industry and the Second Amendment, my friend texted me and expressed concern.
I texted him back, ignoring he’s Democrat, and stated that Democrat voters should be required to help Republican voters pay the new weapons licensing fees and the increased ammunition fees. I added that Democrat voters should also be required to subsidize Republican voters when gas prices soon reach $5.00 a gallon, what with the shut down of work on the Keystone pipeline as well as the other Green initiatives.
He responded by stating he plans to leave the country and asked if I could recommend a destination. I declined to suggest he go to HELL, but did mention Costa Rica and The Dominican Republic. After-all, my daughter has travelled to Costa Rica and has much positive to say about the place and the Dominicans have ‘Republic’ in their name. Must be okay there. Right?
I believe my friend and I are still friends. And he hasn’t yet again asked me any politically-loaded questions.
What say you Def-Con News readers? Do you believe the military has President Trump’s back?