There’s a raging debate about whether the fake news is evil or stupid. It turns out the answer is both, but this story focuses on the ignorance of the liberal media. MSNBC’s Andrea Mitchell thought she was dunking hard on Senator Ted Cruz over a literature quote he made, but instead missed the rim, smacked her face on the backyard, and fell in a pile of her own idiocy.
Ted Cruz is a smart guy and he has a solid troll game going but for some reason dimwit liberals keep challenging him. Cruz is so good at trolling, he doesn’t even have to try as Fox News reports:
During his Wednesday appearance on “America’s Newsoom,” Cruz invoked The Bard to summarize the second impeachment trial of former President Donald Trump.
“It’s reminiscent of Shakespeare [in] that it is full of sound and fury, and yet signifying nothing,” said Cruz, referencing part of a well-known soliloquy from “Macbeth.”
Proving how impartial the liberal media is, MSNBC anchor Andrea Mitchell pounced on Cruz’s remarks:
.@SenTedCruz says #ImpeachmentTrial is like Shakespeare full of sound and fury signifying nothing. No, that’s Faulkner
— Andrea Mitchell (@mitchellreports) February 10, 2021
It got even funnier because Washington Post “conservative” blogger Jennifer Rubin got in on the pounce:
and it says volumes about his lack of soul. That’s Any Thinking Person.
— Jennifer ‘America is Back’ Rubin (@JRubinBlogger) February 10, 2021
William Faulkner did write a book called The Sound and the Fury, which was borrowed from Shakespeare, but that quote is 100% from Macbeth. This was such an epic fail that even the liberal media piled on:
Here’s Washington Post national correspondent, Annie Gowan:
Oh dear Andrea, this tweet is a Scottish tragedy
— Annie Gowen (@anniegowen) February 11, 2021
NYT communist Nicholas Kristof:
Faulkner wrote the book “The Sound and the Fury.” But the phrase comes from Shakespeare’s Macbeth: “It is a tale, told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing.” The whole passage is beautiful.
— Nicholas Kristof (@NickKristof) February 10, 2021
NY Daily News writer Robert A. George:
Um, Andrea. You know how “Out, damn spot!” might SOUND like it’s from a Tide commercial, but it’s REALLY from Macbeth? Well… https://t.co/LUDyN37YZ9
— Robert A George (@RobGeorge) February 11, 2021
The Nation correspondent Jeet Heer:
It pains me to say this but Ted Cruz wins this round. https://t.co/VXDYiTlXFJ
— Jeet Heer (@HeerJeet) February 11, 2021
You know Ted Cruz wasn’t going to just let this slide, so he pummeled Mitchell with some more Shakespeare:
Methinks she doth protest too much.
One would think NBC would know the Bard. Andrea, take a look at Macbeth act 5, scene 5:
“[Life] struts & frets his hour upon the stage,
And then is heard no more. It is a tale
Told by an idiot, full of sound & fury,
Signifying nothing.” pic.twitter.com/3GbvoLSJTh— Ted Cruz (@tedcruz) February 11, 2021
Between NBC & the Washington Post, you’d think somebody would have read Macbeth. pic.twitter.com/RvTgHyTVIg
— Ted Cruz (@tedcruz) February 11, 2021
Mitchell eventually made this lame attempt to explain her ignorance and terribleness:
I clearly studied too much American literature and not enough Macbeth. My apologies to Sen. Cruz.
— Andrea Mitchell (@mitchellreports) February 11, 2021
I never studied American literature or Shakespeare but I know the most famous quote from one of his most famous plays because I don’t have my head up my own ass. Mitchell should try pulling her head out once in a while to get some fresh air and see what’s going on.
Andrea Mitchell is not a pundit, she’s an anchor, meaning she’s supposed to be about delivering straight news. This failed dunk on a Republican perfectly illustrates the fakeness and bias of the liberal media. You’ve never seen her call out Joe Biden for flubbing a quote or murdering the English language because he’s a democrat and she’s protecting him.