Missouri—A Red State—Bans Police From Enforcing Federal Gun Laws - Oklahoma Times

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Tuesday, June 15, 2021

Missouri—A Red State—Bans Police From Enforcing Federal Gun Laws

Missouri Governor Mike Parson signed a bill that prohibits local police officers from enforcing federal gun laws. This from msn.com.

the inside of a building

Supporters of the legislation argue it represents a “line in the sand” meant to protect the state’s residents from federal government overreach.

Contrarily, Biden’s proposed plan to take on gun violence would treat everyone like a criminal rather than solve the criminality portion of gun violence.

Click HERE to read more about Biden’s Executive Orders.

“While some people may not spend a lot of time thinking about the Second Amendment, it’s critical to the preservation of our republic,” said Mike Brown, co-founder of Frontier Justice shooting range, where the legislation was signed.

But Democrats fiercely opposed the bill, calling it “dangerous and obviously unconstitutional.”

“House Bill 85 is a radical, dangerous and obviously unconstitutional attempt to declare that Missouri will refuse to follow federal gun laws,” Missouri’s House minority leader, Democrat Crystal Quade, said in a statement.

“It quite literally defunds the police and gives that taxpayer money to convicted criminals. It is long past time for Republicans in Jefferson City to stop the political grandstanding, take their jobs as leaders seriously and pass real solutions to crime in our state.”

The effort comes as Joe Biden has made a renewed effort to pitch “gun control” legislation.

“Once again, I urge Congress to take immediate action and heed the call of the American people, including the vast majority of gun owners, to help end this epidemic of gun violence in America. Every life that is taken by a bullet pierces the soul of our nation. We can, and we must, do more,” Biden said last month after a San Jose, California, mass shooting resulted in nine deaths.

End the “epidemic of gun violence” by removing guns from the hands of law abiding citizens? This guy is nuts and his handlers are nuts. Or they think we are.

Thankfully the Red states are addressing gun rights sensibly and they aren’t falling for the crap Biden is trying to sell. Biden’s proposal is a knee-jerk reaction aimed at taking guns away from law abiding citizens. End of the story.

The democrats are attacking the “senseless killings” without first accurately identifying the problem. And like everything else they seek to “solve” the actions they propose and the measures they choose to try to vote into law create greater problems.

Crazy, corrupted, power-hungry democrats seek gun removal from We the People. Rather, they should first consider expanded mental health care, addressing the possession of guns by those not mentally competent to legally have them, more advanced background checks, and a nationwide right to carry. These ideas are only a start, however, universal confiscation of weapons in America is a dead end. It’ll never happen and may bring about Civil War.


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