Pervert New York Governor Andrew Cuomo has resigned in the face of damning sexual assault and harassment allegations. The Luv Gov has put in his two-week notice like he’s quitting a Starbucks and with that his brother Chris “Fake News Fredo” now takes over as head of the family. Actually Lt. Gov. Kathy Hochul will assume the governorship but Chris will probably keep his job at CNN, because they really suck.
Just a year ago democrats and the liberal media were hailing Andrew Cuomo as the hero of the COVID-19 pandemic. After months of evidence that Cuomo killed thousands of nursing home patents and groped dozens of women, the tide has turned on him and now its…
NY Governor Cuomo announces his resignation: pic.twitter.com/pbawpXmgHu
— Townhall.com (@townhallcom) August 10, 2021
Cuomo didn’t apologize for all of the shit things he has done but rather said he’s stepping aside so he doesn’t distract from the import work of government.
“I love New York and I love you,” said Cuomo. “The best way I can help now is if I step aside.”
Cuomo will reportedly leave office in two weeks. There’s speculation that he may, in that time, pardon himself for all the butts and boobs he grabbed. I doubt he’ll do it because he’s only facing possible non-sex offender types of misdemeanors and pardoning himself is a pretty big admission of guilt. Especially for the civil suits that are probably coming his way.
Cuomo leaves office in complete disgrace but he still has at least one supporter. Illegitimate president Joe Biden met news of Cuomo’s demise with a reassuring thumb’s up.
“I respect the governor’s decision and I respect the decision he made,” Biden said.
Wait, Biden respects both the governor’s decision and the decision the governor made? Isn’t that that two of the same thing? Apparently there’s a third way Biden can respect this. When asked how Cuomo’s resignation would affect the democratic party, Biden didn’t quite understand the question:
“I think the impact is all on Andrew Cuomo and his decision to make that judgment and I respect his decision,” said Biden.
There’s a lot of respect from Biden for Andrew “Grandma-Killer Titty-Pincher” Cuomo and here’s some more:
“He’s done a hell of a job,” Biden remarked.
A hell of a job killing people and sexually harassing women is not the kind of job one praises someone for. Then again, Biden is a maverick and goes his own way. Either that or he’s having an Alzheimers day.
For the entire pandemic the liberal media has promoted Cuomo and California Governor Gavin Newsom as the heroes while damning Florida Governor Ron DeSantis and Texas Governor Greg Abbott as the villains. As it turns out Florida and Texas did a really kick-ass job and New York and California screwed the pooch. I wonder if party affiliation has anything to do with this misinformation campaign from the liberal media.
In any case, Cuomo is now gone and Newsom is on the chopping block. The hypocritical California Governor faces a recall election soon and things don’t look good for him staying in office. How hilarious would it be if both the liberal media’s COVID-19 heroes were 86’d, one right after the other?