A friend of mine passed this video to me the night before last. I watched it, felt vindicated about my thoughts concerning masks and vaccines, but I did not have time to do anything with the information. Finally, I’m passing the video to you along with an additional video. I encourage you to make the time to watch both in order. This from therightscoop.com.
The title of the article is a direct quote from Raheem J. Kassam, who strongly believes everyone should see and hear this video.
Click HERE to view this presentation.
I’ve watched this video once but I need to watch it again because there’s a lot of information packed within six minutes.
Also, posted below is a response to this video from another doctor who disagrees with some of what is said in the top video and offers a different perspective.
Not being licensed to practice medicine by any stretch of the imagination, it is with pleasure I pass both videos along for you, Def-Con News readers, to determine what they may mean to you without any amateurish commentary.
Happy Hump Day.