If democrats weren’t complaining or lying they would literally have nothing to do and people might notice how useless they are. That’s why a couple of House democrats are crying that Republican Marjorie Taylor Greene threatened them with guns when she did no such thing. This fake outrage is so intense that they are also demanding that the Capitol Police do something about MTG.
Sebastian Gorka’s podcast, America First, Marjorie Taylor Greene had a few things to say about democrats, their abuse of power, and the Constitution:
“Ultimately the truth is it’s our Second Amendment rights, our right to bear arms, that protects Americans and give us the ability to defend ourselves from a tyrannical government. And I hate to use this language but Democrats, they’re exactly–they’re doing exactly what our Founders talked about when they gave us the precious rights that we have,” said Greene.
All she’s saying is that if democrats continue down their path of tyranny, Americans have the Constitutional right to defend our country from them. She’s not saying people should kill democrats right now, she’s simply pointing out a fact.
Also, she is definitely not soliciting violence:
“No one wants violence and I say all the time I am not a violent person. I hope to never see a Civil War in this country and that’s why you hear me toss around ‘national divorce.’ The federal government has grown so big and the Democrats are willing to use the power of the federal government, that it really violates people’s rights, Greene added.
But you know how democrats are. Here’s Michigan Rep. Haley Stevens clutching her pearls before she hit the fainting couch:
I am concerned about the mental health of my colleague from Georgia and would like @CapitolPolice to address her dangerous threats in my workplace.
Just as we would in any school or job site, we cannot let calls for gun violence go unchecked. https://t.co/ho11NObjz6
— Haley Stevens (@HaleyLive) January 12, 2022
And fellow Michigan Rep. Dean Philips clutching his nuts:
If suggesting “Second Amendment Rights Should Be Used Against Democrats” doesn’t immediately compel @GOPLeader to take disciplinary action, I suggest Congress take action against both of them. This madness must be addressed or violence will ensue. https://t.co/vZUcGtNXlZ
— Rep. Dean Phillips (@RepDeanPhillips) January 12, 2022
Here’s a thought: Uphold the Constitution like you swore an oath to do and you’ve got nothing to worry about. Since MTG only said that the 2nd Amendment is the people’s last resort against a tragical government, all the government has to do is not be tyrannical and everything is peachy.
Here’s the actual madness in this: These two democrats are complaining that they can’t violate the Constitution and oppress the people without having to fear an armed response. This, by the way, is also the reason behind the democrats’ gun control push. If they can disarm the people, their unholy agenda will face no resistance.
Clearly neither Stevens nor Phillips actually read MTG’s words and just knee-jerked to the deceptive headline. Marjorie Taylor Greene didn’t suggest that 2nd Amendment Rights be used against democrats, she warned democrats that descending into tyranny has a down side.