The left is intent on destroying and cancelling Joe Rogan because people listen to him and not them. The latest attack has a liberal Super PAC making an out-of-context video of Rogan using the N-word and liberals are pretending they are outraged by his so-called racism. They of course aren’t as outraged when members of their own club exhibit actual racism because that’s how being full of shit works.
A group called Patriot Takes compiled this video of Rogan using the N-word on his podcast. Patriot Takes is aligned with a democratic party-supporting Super PAC called Meidastouch.
CW: Multiple clips of Joe Rogan saying the N-word.
This is who the right is defending.
— PatriotTakes (@patriottakes) January 30, 2022
As you can see, it’s just a super cut of Rogan using the N-word, with absolutely no context. Rogan actually addressed this non-controversy in an Instagram post:
View this post on Instagram
The basic gist of this is Joe apologized for having used the N-word but points out he didn’t use it in reference to anyone in particular or black people in general. For example:
“I was also talking about how there’s not another word like it in the entire English language because it’s a word where only one group of people is allowed to use it. They can use in so many different ways, like if a white person, says that word, it’s racist and toxic. But a Black person can use it, and it can be a punch line, it could be a term of endearment. It could be lyrics to a rap song. It could be a positive affirmation. It’s a very unusual word, but it’s not my word to use. I’m well aware of that now, but for years I used it in that manner,” said Rogan.
Seriously, these pod casts have been around for years and nobody every raised a stink about them until now.
Also, you’ll excuse me if I don’t buy the liberal outrage over this since they don’t actually give a shit when one of their own does or says something racist.
Liberals don’t care that Democrat Senator Sheldon Whitehouse belongs to a whites-only beach club.
Liberals don’t care that former Virginia Governor Ralph “Coonman” Northam took a yearbook picture in either blackface or a KKK hood and robe.
Liberals don’t care that beta male Canadian PM Justin Trudeau has donned blackface multiple times.
Liberals don’t care that Joni Mitchell appeared in blackface on an album cover.
Liberals don’t care that Jimmy Kimmel and Joy Behar have appeared in blackface.
Liberals don’t care the Jimmy Kimmel uses the N-word.
Liberals don’t care that Bernie Sanders is a casual user of the N-word.
Liberals don’t care that Hunter Biden is a liberal user of the N-word.
And liberals don’t care that Joe Biden dropped an N-bomb.
If a white person using the N-word in any context is a cancelable offense, let’s start here:
Look how bald he was.
Liberals fear Joe Rogan because he refuses to regurgitate their propaganda and he has an audience they would die for. As such, they must destroy him but their credibility is so low with the public, these antics only make people flock to him.