Kamala Harris laughs at inappropriate times, she’s always unprepared for questions she knows are coming, and she has absolutely nothing substantive to add to anything. It’s time we face the fact that she’s an idiot. I don’t mean that she’s a jackass like Joe Biden, she’s a straight-up special needs case. In Louisiana today, she proved this for the millionth times since she and Joe stole the White House.
Kamala Harris was in Louisiana on Monday to tell the rubes about this new-fangled thing called the Interwebz. No seriously, Biden sent her to tell Louisianians about Internet access as if they’ve never heard about it before.
Kamaltoe kicked things off by laughing at a joke only she understood to be a joke.
“Hello and it is good afternoon,” said Harris bursting with laughter.
Moments later she tossed her most inane word salad ever. Warning, watching this will make you dumber:
“The governor an I and we were all um doing a tour of the library here and um talking about the significance of the passage of time, right. The significance of the passage of time. So when you think about it, there’s great significance of the passage of time in terms of what we need to do to lay these wires. With what we need to do create these jobs. There’s such great significance to the passage of time when we think about a day in the life of our children,” said Harris.
It’s impossible for me to have taken this out of context because there is none. This is the first thing she started talking about and it makes absolutely no sense but she delivered it like it was the most profound thing anyone has ever uttered.
The only thing I can think of here is that some company, maybe a telecommunications company, is paying her for every time she says “the passage of time” and she was trying to squeeze in as many as possible.
Somehow this got way dumber. Louisiana Governor John Edwards took the stage first and basically introduced Kamala Harris. She walked past him on the stage as she took the podium and then this happened:
“We are also joined but he governor, where are you, governor?” Kamala asked looking into the crowd.
Harris then pointed randomly and frantically at the crowd.
“He’s here. He he’s here,” said Harris.
Then she remembered that he was on the side of the stage and finally pointed him out.
“There you are. Of course you are,” said Harris with more unnecessary laughter.
But wait, it got worse because Kamaltoe went full Crazy Joe:
“And governor, it’s been great to be with you this afternoon and you’ve been a great president,” said Harris.
If you are following along at home, Joe Biden has made Kamala Harris president several times and now she has passed that on to governor John Edwards. Sure, he’s a democrat but there’s no way he’s worse that those two.
Harris caught herself and tried desperately to not come off like a complete moron.
“A great partner to the president and me as we move forward. A great president of your state,” said Harris, pissing her pants with laughter.
Kamala Harris is only 57-years-old so this is probably not a result of senility, like with Joe Biden. The only other explanation is that she a semi-functioning idiot. Republicans have called for Biden to take a cognitive function test, but they should also be demanding that Harris take a basic competency test. She is, after all, a heartbeat away from running the show.