The brilliance of Joe Biden picking incompetent Kamala Harris as his vp is that whenever she fails, criticism can be written off as racism. Like all great plans however, this one has a minor flaw. Harris is accusing Biden’s staff of racism for perceived disrespect shown to her. Live by the race card, die by the race card.
New York Times reporters Johnathan Martin and Alexander Burns have a new book coming out about the behind-the-scenes goings on of the Biden White House. I’m sure it’s as interesting as a Joe Biden speech, but Politico did have this interesting excerpt:
“Some of Harris’s advisers believed the president’s almost entirely white inner circle did not show the vice president the respect she deserved,” Martin and Burns write. “Harris worried that Biden’s staff looked down on her; she fixated on real and perceived snubs in ways the West Wing found tedious.”
At one point, Harris dispatched Flournoy to talk to top Biden adviser ANITA DUNN to convey displeasure that White House staff was not standing up for Harris when she entered the room the way they did for Biden. “The vice president took it as a sign of disrespect,” according to the excerpt.
Biden’s “mostly-white” staff disrespecting empowered woman of color Kamala Harris? That sure sounds like an accusation of racism to me.
I was going to say something like: maybe Biden’s staff doesn’t stand for Harris because they don’t see her as a serious person, but if they’re standing for clown-master Biden, that can’t be it. Maybe they are racist. They are democrats after all.
In another excerpt from The Hill, Jill Biden gets in on the anti-Kamaltoe racism:
Martin and Burns also report that first lady Jill Biden was unhappy with the choice for Harris as vice president.
“Speaking in confidence with a close adviser to her husband’s campaign, the future first lady posed a pointed question. There are millions of people in the United States, she began. Why, she asked, do we have to choose the one who attacked Joe?”
The easy answer is because Joe committed to selecting a woman of color as his running mate and Kamala was the only one he could think of.
This Jill Biden story is backed up with some evidence. That attack on Joe that Jill referred to is when, during the democratic debates, then-candidate Harris called Biden out for all of the racist things he’s on record as saying. Jill was pissed and told Harris “go f*ck yourself.”
Joe really does have a stunning record of racism over his thousand years in politics that has been ignored and buried by the liberal media. He probably figured he better play it safe by naming Kamala Harris as his running mate to deflect any accusations of racism, just in case.
What he didn’t count on, because he makes bad decisions, is that a racist tiger can’t change his stripes. He can’t hide his disdain for non-whites and Harris and her people are picking up on it.
Also, if this the disfunction in the Biden administration that the liberal media is willing to report on, you can bet it’s a million times worse. It wouldn’t be shocking if Joe has dropped an N-bomb or two on Harris because he’s racist and she sucks.