A mere two years ago in the United States, when young children died in their sleep for no apparent reason, the tragedies were made national news. But today this kind of thing is treated as normal and glossed over by cable and network news.
This from thelibertyloft.com.
“Aschoff Body in Rheumatic Myocarditis” by Dr. Ed Uthman is marked with CC BY 2.0
The culprit: The Covid Vaccine Cover Up and the democrat-communist party agenda.
Data strongly suggests the COVID jabs are linked to an 84% rise in deaths among the 25 to 44 age group, according to Dr. Jessica Rose who has been studying the Centers for Disease Control’s (CDC) Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) since the advent of the COVID shots.
This comes as earlier this year insurance companies were reporting shocking rises in excess deaths, particularly among the young.
VAERS now shows 26,059 deaths after shots in its most recent numbers released on Friday. As previously reported, the CDC has estimated VAERS undercounts injuries by a factor of 6X and independent estimates have estimated as high as a 41X meaning the range of deaths could be between 156,354 and 1,068,419. Included are 648 myocarditis and pericarditis cases among 5- through 17-year-olds.
Of course, there is no mainstream media inquiry to these stunning numbers, but they were paid off a long time ago.
As for Rose, she was interviewed by Del Bigtree. She said: “We can certainly provide evidence to support that the injections are causing the adverse events that we’re seeing at enormous rates in just about every adverse event collection data system.”
Rose said that the World Health Organization (WHO) uses the Bradford Hill criteria, which has 10 criteria, to determine the safety of jabs. If five of those criteria are met, the WHO says a shot is “very likely” the cause of an adverse event.
The VAERS data has never shown this amount of “safety signals,” Rose said, yet it has not been shut down as Americans are still submitting to the jab today. She said there are over 10,000 different types of adverse events being recorded for the COVID jabs.
Contrast that to the rotavirus vaccine, given to infants and children, in 1999. According to CNN, that shot was pulled from the market after just 23 children being confirmed to had developed intussusception, a condition that causes bowel obstruction. The CDC used VAERS data to pull that shot.
Meanwhile, an interesting thing is happening at Fort Bragg where, according to Seth Harp for Rolling Stone, “soldiers have been turning up ‘unresponsive’ in their barracks on a disturbingly regular basis since the beginning of 2020, including Caleb Smither, Terrance Salazar, Jamie Boger, Joshua Diamond, Matthew Disney, Mikel Rubino, Michael Hamilton, and numerous others who have not been named.
Drugs may have been involved in the cases of Diamond and Disney, who were found dead on the same day in June 2021, just two weeks after an airborne master sergeant named Martin Acevedo III was charged with trafficking cocaine. Otherwise, there has been absolutely no explanation from the Army for how these apparently healthy young men died.”
Harp detailed the death of Army Captain Robert Latham who, at 32, died of a heart attack in January of 2021. Green Beret Sgt. Calvin Rockward, at 38, passed away due to a “sudden, unexpected medical event.”
“In total, a staggering 83 active-duty soldiers stationed at Fort Bragg died in the 18 months ending June 2021, according to data obtained by Rolling Stone. Only 11 of these deaths were from ‘natural causes.’ Many, perhaps a plurality, were suicides. But in no fewer than 33 cases, the Army has classified the cause of death as ‘undetermined,’” Harp wrote.
Big Government, Big Pharma and Big Business continue to push the death jabs for power, money and control. Rep. Thomas Massie (R-KY) said in 2020 that the CARES Act was “the biggest wealth transfer from common folks to the super-rich (Wall Street and bankers) in the history of mankind,” and he was criticized by the left and right for taking a stand.
Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. said that 500 new billionaires were created from the COVID tyranny.
A million small businesses were shut down while the big box stores and Amazon got richer as $3.8 trillion was transferred from the poor and middle class to the elites.
And this is nothing new for Big Pharma.
Brent Wisner, a lawyer in a class action lawsuit, said the drug Zantac has been causing cancer for decades and the drug makers have known it.
“We’re talking 40 years they sold this product and they knew it,” Wisner said. “And we have the documents. … I mean, we have documents where they straight up say, ‘this stuff causes this cancer.’”
This is evil, and yet, they’re still moving the agenda right along.
Now, Moderna is seeking approval to jab kids under 6 in America and Europe, Brian Shilhavy reported for Vaccine Impact. This for a faux pandemic and a virus that kids have statistically a zero chance of dying or even getting very sick from.
“This is simply the same demonic spirit we have seen throughout history that moves people to sacrifice their children to ‘gods’ like Molech and Baal in ancient times, and is now being manifest in ‘modern’ culture through the vaccine cult,” Shilhavy wrote.
We’re past due time to bring these vaccinations to an end and to begin investigating everyone involved in this scamdemic.
However, we know the democrat-communists won’t investigate what is strongly believed to be their own wrong doing.
God speed to Conservatism.
And God speed to the powers of right and true.