David Hogg is one of those insufferable anti-gun Florida teenagers who the liberal media has anointed as a god. He is also the pride and joy of Harvard for his vast intellect and endless wit. For example, he just sent out a tweet wondering why we don’t require licenses for the hunting of humans.
Here’s something that seems fake but it’s all too real:
If you need a license to kill deer why don’t you need one to kill humans?
— David Hogg (@davidhogg111) April 2, 2022
I guess the easiest answer is because it’s illegal to murder people. We don’t issue licenses for any illegal activity and that includes hunting humans.
The purpose of the deer hunting license is species management. If the deer population is too large, more tags are issued and if it’s too small, the tags are limited.
I do agree that the human race could use some thinning, but we’re never going to agree on who can be hunted. Also, if human hunting licenses were issued, Hogg has to know people are coming for him.
Hogg continued his deep thoughts on licensing with this:
If you need a license to drive car, cut hair or to hunt you ought to need one to buy a gun.
— David Hogg (@davidhogg111) April 2, 2022
Driving a car and cutting hair are privileges, not rights. Are there any other Constitutional rights that require licensing? No, and that’s because “Congress shall make no laws” f*cking with our God-given rights.
Somehow he took his gun control bullshit to a new level of stupidity:
Uteruses should not be more regulated than guns.
— David Hogg (@davidhogg111) April 3, 2022
Agreed and it’s a good thing they aren’t. There are literally no regulations on Uteri whatsoever. You don’t have to pass a background check to get one, you can carry them concealed wherever you want, and even felons are allowed to have them. There is the biological law of gender that only allows women to have them but besides that, they are unregulated.
And this shit just kept flowing:
You can’t keep and bear arms if you are dead. Therefore gun violence, caused by our under regulated militia is a violation of the domestic tranquility, the security of a free state, bearing arms, freedom of speech and all our other rights.
— David Hogg (@davidhogg111) April 3, 2022
So anything that kills people is a violation of our Constitutional rights? Heart disease? Respiratory illness? Drug overdoses? Traffic accidents? All of those things kill way more people that gun-related deaths so hopefully Hogg will call for their banishment as well.
You may notice that Hogg is twisting himself into a pretzel here by saying we have do do away with our Constitutional rights in order to preserve them.
Then there’s this:
If you need a gun to feel like a man you need threapy not a gun
— David Hogg (@davidhogg111) April 3, 2022
As much as David Hogg lacks expertise in guns, he’s even worse in understanding what it feels like to be a man. Clearly he’s the one in need of therapy to work that shit out.
This is David Hogg’s way of saying he’s a f*cking moron without actually saying he’s a f*cking moron.