If you are keeping score at home, Beto O’Rourke said he was going to confiscate our AR-15s, then he had a change of heart and graciously said we could keep them, but is now back to wanting to confiscate them. That’s a tremendous amount of flip-flopping, even for democrats who don’t have a set of beliefs or principals.
Let’s follow the evolution of Beta O’Dork’s gun control platform:
During a democratic primary debate in 2019, O’Rourke said, “Hell yes we’re going to take your AR-15, your AK-47. We’re not going to allow it to be used against our fellow Americans any more.” Soon after, his presidential campaign folded.
In November of 2021, O’Rourke decided he wanted to run for Governor of Texas. He was on CNN and asked if he still wanted to take our AR-15s and replied, “Yes, I still hold this view.”
With his governor’s campaign floundering, O’Rourke changed his tune in February of 2022 saying, “I’m not interested in taking anything from anyone. What I want to make sure that we do is defend the Second Amendment.”
But that defense of the 2nd Amendment didn’t last long because after crashing a press conference about the Texas school shooting O’Rourke said, “If you want a solution, stop selling AR-15’s in the state of Texas.”
But it’s not just a “solution” for Texas and it’s not about halting sales, as Fox News reports:
Texas gubernatorial candidate Beto O’Rourke declared on the campaign trail that owners of semi-automatic rifles like the AR-15 shouldn’t “be able to keep them.”
O’Rourke, the Democratic nominee, said during two different town halls just days before the Uvalde, Texas, mass school shooting that AR-15s have no place in civilian life.
“I think we are fools to believe anything other than that these weapons of war will continued to be used with greater frequency against our fellow Americans,” O’Rourke told a group of veterans during a town hall meeting in Abilene on May 21.
“It’s why I’ve taken the position that I don’t think we should have AR-15s and AK-47s in civilian life,” he said. “They belong on a battlefield.”
Earlier in the day, during a town hall with veterans in San Angelo, O’Rourke suggested he’s open to confiscation of existing semi-automatic rifles like the AR-15.
“I just took the position that may not be politically popular or maybe too honest that only should no one be able to purchase an AR-15 or an AK-47, because they’re designed to kill humans and that high-impact, high-velocity round will just tear up everything inside you. You’ll bleed out before we can get you back to life,” said O’Rourke. ” And I don’t think that the people who have them right now in civilian use should be able to keep them.”
I know we’re here to talk about O’Rourke’s gun confiscation flip-flops but I can’t help but to notice that he is under the impression that as long as someone is shot with any round other than .233 that they can be resurrected from the dead. Party of science!
So the scorecard stands at: Hell Yes, Hell Yes, Hell No, Hell Yes and he kicked a “F*ck You” extra point.
Beto O’Rourke briefly backed off his desire to confiscate everyone’s guns because he is running for governor in Texas and he knew he’d never win threatening to take people’s guns. Now that he’s back to massive gun confiscation I can only conclude that he’s looked at the polls and conceded that he will not win.