I’m not sure why Whoopi Goldberg thinks she’s a lawmaker and policy-setter but it probably has something to do with her being the dumbest person on TV. Yeah, even dumber than Don Lemon. According to the intellectually-challenged Goldberg, she will allow us to keep out “yee-haw guns” but she’s going to take our AR-15s. I’d tell her “molon labe” but there’s no way she has the intellectual capacity to understand that.
The chickens on The View were clucking about guns and for some reason decided to give dumbest egg-layer some extended rant time:
“This AR-15 has gotta go,” said Goldberg.
Which one? This one? I’m confused and the reason why she said this AR-15 has to go didn’t help unconfuse me.
“Because, you know, I think about those ten, those people up in Buffalo who are still suffering because they still can’t go shopping ’cause nobody will bring a supermarket where these folks are living,” Goldberg said.
So because nobody built a new supermarket in Buffalo in the past two weeks, AR-15s gotta go? How long does Whoopi think it takes to build a supermarket? They just put a new one down the street from me and it took almost 2 years.
“There is too much at stake here. Too many lives have been at stake and too many damn little kids,” said Goldberg.
Whoopi Goldberg hates little kids. Remember that line because she will expand upon her pedophobia later.
“I don’t care, NRA, you got to give that gun up. You can have your other yee-haw guns, whatever you want,” Goldberg said.
I’m not exactly sure what a “yee-haw gun” is but I am certain that Whoopi Goldberg doesn’t know what an AR-15 is or anything about the 2nd Amendment.
“The AR-15 is not a hunting gun. It is not a gun where you gonna go out and shoot your dinner,” said Goldberg.
Plenty of people hunt feral pigs with AR-15s and lots of them eat what they killed for dinner. Also, there is nothing in the 2nd Amendment that ties gun ownership to hunting.
“This gun is made to kill people,” Goldberg added.
As opposed to all other firearms which were made to start track meets.
“I’m not going to tell you how pissed I am that so many folks are saying, ‘well you can’t have what you need for your body.’ Forget my body. You can’t have this gun because it kills people and children and I’m sick of it,” said Goldberg.
Nobody want to think about her body and again Whoopi really seems to hate children because she doesn’t see them as real people. In fact as the music began to play and the show was going to commercial, Whoopi kept ranting:
“Because this is some B.S. and I’m sick of it. I’m sick of little kids,” Goldberg said.
You would think that her blind hatred of children would make her a big proponent of school shootings and AR-15s.
Several times in this unintelligent rant, Goldberg said straight up “you can’t have an AR-15.” I hate to break too her, but yes we can have AR-15s. The Constitution says so and she lacks the power to change that.
But if she is really intent on confiscating AR-15s, I will give her my address and she can come over to try and take mine. It’s not going to end well for her but I do promise to yell “Yee-Haw!” as I exercise my 2nd Amendment right to keep and bear arms.