We all know how much Joe Biden likes fondling and groping little kids and how disappointed he is in his current advisors (string pullers) so maybe he did let one of his grope buddies help him on policy. The White House released Biden’s plan to reduce inflation and looks like it came from a little kid with no actual knowledge of economic matters.
Prepared to be dazzled:
President Biden’s top economic priority is addressing inflation and lowering costs for American families. Here are the three components to his plan: pic.twitter.com/3d4VID06kK
— The White House (@WhiteHouse) June 1, 2022
To be clear, Biden’s plan is:
1 – Give the Federal Reserve the space it needs to get inflation under control.
2 – Lowering costs for families including gas prices, utility bills, child care, long-term care, and housing.
3 – Reducing the federal deficit by passing tax reforms that ensure the wealthiest Americans and large corporations pay their fair share.
And to interpret that for you, here’s the actual “plan”:
1 – Hope the Fed does something.
2 – ?
3 – Hope that Congress raises taxes.
First of all, that’s not a plan, it’s a non-specific wish list. A plan would be like: Instruct the Fed to do X, take steps X,Y, and Z to reduce soaring costs, and stop Congress from spending money we don’t have. Instead, Biden is saying he hopes some undefined things happen and that it will magically reduce inflation. Sorry, the world doesn’t work like that.
Actually, if Biden wanted a solid plan, and he doesn’t, he could say, “I’m going to undo everything I’ve done since stealing the White House.” This country was kicking ass before he took the reins, so just unf*cking all that he’s f*cked would, in theory, put us back to where we were before him.
Then again, he’s been such a disaster that it’s likely some or all of the damage he has caused is irreversible. Actually, I think that was the plan. He’s got a great plan to destroy American, but nothing to fix it.
As crisis after crisis, that he caused, pile up, Biden is spending his time on the important things. Here he is meeting with Korean boy band BTS at the White House:
Thanks for having us at the White House! It was a huge honor to discuss important issues with @POTUS today. We’re very grateful for #BTSARMY who made it all possible.
#BTS #방탄소년단 #BTSatTheWhiteHouse pic.twitter.com/PZd8Ox2Kea— BTS_official (@bts_bighit) June 1, 2022
Hey, look at that. Biden found a way to get himself around a bunch of young boys and he discussed “important issues” with them. Maybe they helped him with this juvenile non-plan to reduce inflation.
Although if BTS were Biden’s economic advisors, there would have probably been more dancing in his inflation reduction plan. Biden is a thousand years old and would break a hip trying to bust a move so maybe he told them to keep the dancing to a minimum.
Also, are they flashing gang signs? What’s up with that?
With the plan to reduce inflation, Joe Biden is saying he has no plan but is hoping more people like Asian boy bands than give a shit about the economy.