Since the 2nd Amendment protects the right of the people to keep and bear arms, liberals have to come up with some serious bullshit to justify their unconstitutional gun control designs. Usually it’s as lame as claiming that gun ownership is tied to hunting or some other need, which it isn’t. Nobody hates the constitution more or is lazier than Hillary Clinton so she has decided that nobody actually needs an AR-15.
You’d think that someone who has managed to escape justice as many times as Hillary Clinton would know a little something about the law but this tweet is evidence that she doesn’t:
No one actually needs an AR-15.
— Hillary Clinton (@HillaryClinton) June 3, 2022
So what? Almost everything people have in this country are things they don’t need. All people really need is food, water, and oxygen. Everything else is a luxury.
Nobody needs a private e-mail sever but Hillary had one. Nobody needs to fly to Jeffrey Epstein’s rape Island, but her husband did that many times. Nobody needs to finance a bogus dossier to smear a political opponent as a Russian asset but…well, you get the idea.
Unlike flat screen TVs, yoga mats, and vagina-scented candles, or anything else people don’t need, there’s an actual Constitutional amendment that protects the right to own a gun. It’s why it’s completely legal to ban plastic straws but not guns.
Despite Hillary’s attempt at Constitutional sleight-of-hand, she’s also completely wrong. Some people do need an AR-15. Take Vince Foster for example. If he had an AR-15 he wouldn’t have committed “suicide” by shooting himself in the back of the head twice. Of course had things played out that way Hillary would have went to prison so I can see her opposition to the subject.
Speaking of which, she seems to be itching to go to prison:
We are the majority.
We are in the right.
And we will win. #WearOrange pic.twitter.com/5YMGSofFDw
— Hillary Clinton (@HillaryClinton) June 3, 2022
One of the great things about Hillary Clinton is her complete lack of self-awareness. Wear orange? As in an orange prison jumpsuit? Bitch, please.
Equally as tone deaf is her claim “we will win.” What does Hillary know about winning? Her presidential bids have crapped out both times despite her efforts to rig the system. She planted the story that Barack Obama was a secret Muslim who wasn’t born in the U.S. and he kicked her saggy white ass. She financed the Russian collusion lie against Donald Trump and he mopped the floor with her.
She is neither in the right nor in the majority. She’s a sad loser who will do anything to get people to pay attention to her.
Which brings us to the real point here: No none actually needs Hillary Clinton and that’s killing her. Not in the same way she eliminates people with dirt on her but emotionally.
She can claim that no one actually needs an AR-15 but that doesn’t make a damn bit of difference. The 2nd Amendment doesn’t have a “need” clause that requires people to justify their gun ownership.