There was a mass shooting in Tulsa on Wednesday that oddly didn’t get much attention. With all the liberal outrage over legal gun ownership in the wake of recent mass shootings, you’d think they would have pounced on yet another one. It turns out that the Tulsa shooter was black, which would explain the liberal silence. It however doesn’t explain why one democrat is blaming the black shooter’s rampage on white supremacy.
This is New York State Assemblymember (a democrat, duh) Rodneyse Bichotte Hermelyn’s take on the Tulsa, Oklahoma mass shooting:
We can’t even process one mass shooting before the next occurs.
Today’s atrocity in Tulsa happened on the 101st anniversary of the Tulsa Black Wall Street massacre. White Supremacy is clearly a factor.@JoeBiden https://t.co/78xXaUXR2W— Rodneyse Bichotte Hermelyn (@AMBichotte) June 2, 2022
If I understand the correctly, the Tulsa shooter was a white supremacist who killed a bunch of black people to celebrate the 101st anniversary of the Tulsa Black Wall Street massacre. That however does match the picture of the shooter:
That is the best tan I’ve ever seen on a white supremacist.
Actually, that’s a 45-year-old bonafide black man named Michael Louis. On Wednesday he walked into a medical office in Tulsa and killed 4 people including his doctor. He then turned the gun on himself and took the coward’s way out. Police do not think he was motivated by the anniversary of the Tulsa Black Wall Street Massacre.
In fact, police found a note at the scene from Louis in which he wrote that he intended to kill Dr. Preston Philips, a black orthopedic surgeon who had performed back surgery on Louis. Louis had surgery on May 19, but complained that he still had back pain. Apparently he’s unaware of the concept of recovery time following surgery.
Louis called every day bitching about his back and demanding additional treatment. On May 31, Dr. Philips saw Louis and provided him with additional treatment. On June 1, once again called to complain and then bought a rifle on his way down to the office. He shot and killed Dr. Philips, Dr. Stephanie Husen, receptionist Amanda Glenn, and patient William Love. At least 2 of those victims were white.
Back surgery takes a while to recover from and orthopedic surgeons will tell their patients that there’s a good chance the surgery will not significantly improve the issue. This impatient patient was released from the hospital on May 24 and after not being “cured” 8 days later, killed a bunch of innocent people and himself. What a piece of shit.
One thing Louis wasn’t was a white supremacist. He was black and didn’t leave a communist manifesto like all other “white supremacist” mass shooters. He was just a selfish dick who blamed his problems on others and lashed out violently. I guess that makes him a typical democrat.
NY Assemblymember Rodneyse Bichotte Hermelyn is obviously trying to deflect blame on her race and party by claiming this shooting was a result of white supremacy. The liberal media is ignoring the shooting for the same reason.