When an entire government department resigns en masse, you know something major is wrong.
This from westernjournal.com.
And when that department happens to be the police force, the alarm bells should start going off.
That is what happened in a small town in North Carolina when the town’s law enforcement officers resigned in the face of what they called the “hostile work environment” created by the recently hired town manager.
Following the shocking mass resignation, the Kenly Town Council launched an investigation into town manager Justine Jones’ behavior.
Despite the firing, officials did not say that there was any truth to the police officers’ accusations.
The reason given for Jones’ firing? A vague:
She wasn’t working out.
Mayor Tooie Hales said:
The termination of our contract with Jones is not solely related [to] the investigation and the resignation of the employees. Those are separate items, and we looked at them separately.
Tellingly, Hales would not explain exactly why Jones “wasn’t working out.”
One former Kenly police officer, Jason Tedder, said one of the problems was that Jones would give Gibson “crazy write-ups” for things like talking with local business owners while on duty, the Observer reported.
Tedder also said Jones refused to listen to the concerns the officers had.
Some progressives are claiming it’s all about race—an all-white police force resigns after the hiring of a black town manager.
Tedder said:
The only reason racism still exists is because the old people still talk about it. It hurt me that it went to [race] because it was nothing like that.
For her part, Jones blasted the council members for not divulging the reasons they decided to fire her.
Jones said in a statement, thanking those who appreciated “the difference I was making:”
The decision to not communicate the entire story and publicly share the findings of the report is most unfortunate.
Through our conversations, I am confident the citizens of Kenly want a more progressive and equitably served community and will hold all members of council accountable for moving the Town toward that goal.
Right there could be the biggest reason. Jones took the job—to force a progressive agenda on the city.
And one of the most prevalent progressive tenets is hatred and distrust of the police.
“And that” as Paul Harvey would always say, “is the rest of the story.”