When Stacey Abrams announced she was going to attempt a do-over to become the Governor of Georgia, democrats communists across the nation rejoiced.
Like with career-failure Beto O’Rourke in Texas, democrats communists love nothing more than a defiant loser, and Abrams fits the bill.

After getting trounced by over 50,000 votes by Brian Kemp in 2018, Abrams has been getting the star treatment ever since.
She even went on Star Trek to play the role of “President of Earth.” Surely, given all the favorable press coverage and plaudits, she’d be a shoo-in to defeat Kemp in a rematch, right? After all, we’ve been assured that Georgia is now a blue state.
Well, you know what they say, ‘the best-laid plans of mice and men can still go wrong.’
Panic is now starting to set in among democrats communists as Abrams continues to flounder.
Trouble in GA
“Georgia Dems have grown increasingly pessimistic about Stacey Abrams’s chances of ousting Gov. Brian Kemp from office, pointing to…her inability to appeal to a slice of moderate Republican voters who can decide the state’s elections.” https://t.co/7Mvz7pndiX
— Jesse Hunt (@JJHunt10) September 7, 2022
How bad are things for Abrams?
Despite all the issues with polls being biased towards democrats communists—this recently chronicled in regard to the senate races—Abrams has never led in a single poll. From start to finish, RINO Kemp has remained on top, and there’s nothing to suggest the race is going to turn around.
The reason behind that is simple: Abrams is truly a despicable candidate. Despite the positive press she is hateful and hate-able.
Just because someone makes the beltway media swoon doesn’t mean they have the chops to actually be successful where they are running.
Abrams is brash, boring, and incredibly unlikable. She checks all the boxes for far-left wine moms in New York, but not nearly as many for your average voter in Georgia.
Yes, Atlanta is a democrat communist hellhole, but that description does not include the entirety of the state, “not by a long shot, and she appeals to few people outside of her bubble.”
Some of Ms. Abrams’s supporters say her struggles are more rooted in sexism than any strategic misstep. She is running in the Deep South for an office that has long been elusive to women and candidates of color. If she wins in November, she will be the first Black woman and only the third Black person in American history to occupy a governor’s mansion.
Steve Phillips, an early Abrams supporter and prominent progressive democrat communist donor who attributed her polling deficiencies to “just sexism” said:
The picture of leadership we have, Stacey is like the opposite. Ms. Abrams’s identity as a Black woman is part of the depth of the enthusiasm for her but it also explains the depth of the resistance.
Note: The concept of “sexism” is beyond Kay Ivey (R), who is the governor of neighboring Alabama.
Abrams is nothing if she isn’t shameless in her attempts to deflect blame from her failures.
And more good news for the GOP:
Things aren’t going much better for Raphael Warnock, who has been shown trailing in the last few polls. Worse, his one attack line, which was that Herschel Walker wouldn’t debate, got neutered on Wednesday after both sides appeared to come to terms on the matter.
Oddly enough, Georgia was supposed to be the one state in 2022 that would be good for the Left due to changing demographics, even if other states retreated back to their comfort zones after 2020.
However, that doesn’t appear to be the case. In fact, Georgia could see a significant swing toward Republicans that could have it firmly back in play come 2024.
Final thoughts: Catering to the whims of Abrams and her cohort was a mistake. Also, Warnock’s previous win was, no doubt, a case of election fraud and will not be repeated despite the weakness of his competition–Walker.
Anticipate GOP wins in Georgia come November.