This week, Joe Biden took the podium and said, “Let me start off with two words: made in America.” Obviously that is three words and Biden has mental and mathematical issues. Republican Rep. Lauren Boebert had some fun with this and when the liberals attacked, they accidentally admitted that Joe is a blithering idiot.
Let’s start with the diminished mental capacity of the guy with the nuclear launch codes:
Biden: “Let me start off with two words: Made in America” pic.twitter.com/jAeMOXUAn3
— Greg Price (@greg_price11) October 7, 2022
And here is Lauren Boebert’s hilarious response:
Two Words: Let’s Go Brandon!
— Lauren Boebert (@laurenboebert) October 8, 2022
Anyone with half a brain gets that Boebert is making fun of Biden, so clearly the brain capacity of the left is below 50%. Check out former Obama and Biden campaigner John Cooper:
BREAKING: Lauren Boebert just completely humiliated herself, tweeting “Two Words: Let’s Go Brandon.”
That’s THREE words. She’s such a friggin’ moron!
— Jon Cooper (@joncoopertweets) October 8, 2022
There’s definitely a friggin’ moron here but it ain’t Lauren Boebert.
Next up is Resistance Leader George Tekai, demonstrating his lack of intelligence:
She can’t…count. https://t.co/eoc1NohVgv
— George Takei (@GeorgeTakei) October 8, 2022
He can’t…understand humor.
And here’s a democrat running for office:
We should amend the Constitution to require that anyone serving in Congress must prove that they can count to three. All others should be disqualified. pic.twitter.com/rVc0c51XlD
— Alan Howe, Democrat for PA House, district 199 (@HoweDefendsUSA) October 8, 2022
I agree but it should also include the President of the United States. Since Joe Biden has demonstrated that he cannot count to three, he should be kicked out of office immediately.
Plus, here’s some liberal randos showing that the left is dumb and humorless:
This made me laugh and laugh and laughing! Totally shows the level of Lauren Boebert’s severely limited intelligence. https://t.co/yQMSg7KLcB
— Gretchen Weerheim (@GretchenWeerhei) October 8, 2022
There really should be minimum educational background requirements for members of Congress. @laurenboebert reportedly obtained her GED just weeks before her election and after having previously failed it on multiple occasions. And, sadly, it shows. #EducationMatters https://t.co/bRRxlEYTt6
— Capitol Comments (@CapitolComments) October 8, 2022
I am starting to think that she does this on purpose to get more tweets/trending… IDK, really, who the hell cannot count to three?
— Wendy Chandler
(@WendyYolande) October 8, 2022
Bless her heart. She can’t help it that her elevator doesn’t go all the way to the top floor
— Delly Dismantled
(@DellyDismantled) October 8, 2022
What liberals have established here is that if someone says “let me start with two words” and then says something with three words, they are an incompetent idiot who is disqualified from holding office.
Since Lauren Boebert was clearly mocking Biden and the fact that Joe doesn’t know he said more than two words, what the liberals are actually saying is the illegitimate president of the United States is a braindead moron who should be removed from office.
For once I agree with something the liberals feel so strongly about. Too bad they don’t understand that Lauren Boebert trolled them all and tricked them into this stunning realization.