Fox News star Tucker Carlson has unloaded on communist Speaker Nancy Pelosi (C-CA), calling her a “liar” and “a fraud” for claiming to be Christian.
This from slaynews.com.
Carlson accused Pelosi of “pretending” to be Catholic while pushing for abortion.
Carlson blasted on his show:
First of all, you’re not a Catholic.
I mean, this is ridiculous!
Let’s stop pretending.
You applauded as nurses got fired because they didn’t want to take the mandatory vax because they didn’t want to hurt their own fertility.
They wanted to have children maybe someday.
And you thought that was great.
So. it wasn’t their body and their choice.
You’re a liar and a fraud. You’re not a Christian. Be quiet.
Tucker Carlson scorching Nancy Pelosi's hypocrisy here is pure gold:
"You don't believe at all in the right to choose. You applauded as nurses got fired because they didn't want to take the mandatory vax … you're a liar and a fraud. You're not a Christian. Be quiet!" pic.twitter.com/YNIVmSsc7W
— Scott Morefield (@SKMorefield) October 11, 2022
Tucker was responding to Pelosi defending abortion earlier during a grilling from a reporter.
The reporter said:
There have been a number of attacks on churches and pregnancy centers.
Republicans are going after [
democratscommunists] for not saying anything and they’re saying that your rhetoric is contributing to these attacks.
Pelosi said:
A woman has a right to choose.
It’s up to her, her doctor, her family, her husband, her significant other, and her god.
I’m a very Catholic person and I believe in every woman’s right to make her own decisions.
Final thoughts: Nasty Pelosi is a hypocrite. She can’t possibly have a rationale leg to stand on—she’s a communist and communists are hypocrites. “A woman’s right to make her own decisions,” is merely a talking point and an attempt to bring the abortion discussion to a stop. But Pelosi, as well as all communists, are stepping all over their talking point.
Given this communist false rationale, choosing not to mandatorily submit to an untested “vaccine” is no less a right. And, finally, utilizing abortion as a means of birth control is not a constitutionally granted right. Roe v. Wade was a wrong decision and it has been corrected.
But this is beside the point. At issue here is communist hypocrisy. And Nasty Pelosi’s claim of being a “very Catholic person” is ludicrous by any stretch of the imagination—merely another talking point to bring the abortion discussion to a stop.