I’m sure you have all heard the saying “Nero fiddles while Rome burns”, we don’t have a Nero but we do have an illegitimate joe biden. And Nancy Pelosi and they love their ice cream so while the United States burns joe and Nancy ate ice cream may be the new catchphrase.
I’m unsure if many of you have heard the good news, according to the latest U.S. Treasury report from Tuesday as reported by Yahoo we are in deep deep deep debt.
According to the latest population at WorldMeter the population of the U.S. is at 335,434,534, at the time I wrote this. I don’t know if that takes into account all the illegal aliens that are coming across the border, the ones joe has welcomed with open arms, paying out more of your money. That is a debt of $ 92,417 per person. The U.S.Debt Clock is carrying $93,127 per person. I don’t know about any of you, but I do not have a spare $100,000 laying around. So some of you are going to need to pick up my share, and I doubt I’m alone so some of you may need to pick up a lot of our shares.
joe biden has claimed he has reduced the deficit for the last 2 years. The debt limit of the U.S. is set at 31.4 trillion dollars, meaning Congress will have to raise the debt ceiling soon, or the U.S. will run out of money, and the ability to borrow more.
Sung Won Sohn, an economics professor at Loyola Marymount University, said “it took this nation 200 years to pile up its first trillion dollars in national debt, and since the pandemic, we have been adding at the rate of 1 trillion nearly every quarter.”
Predicting high inflation for the “foreseeable future,” he said, “when you increase government spending and money supply, you will pay the price later.”
In its August Mid-Session Review, the administration forecasted that this year’s budget deficit will be nearly $400 billion lower than it estimated back in March, due in part to stronger than expected revenues, reduced spending, and an economy that has recovered all the jobs lost during the multi-year pandemic.
In full, this year’s deficit will decline by $1.03 trillion (I call shenanigans) representing the single largest decline in the federal deficit in American history, the Office of Management and Budget said in August.
Maya MacGuineas, president of the Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget said in an emailed statement Tuesday, “This is a new record no one should be proud of.”
A representative from the Treasury Department was not immediately available for comment.
With 34 days left till the 2022 Midterm Elections, we need all hands on deck. We need every Republican we can get in office. This is more important than removing the RINOs we need to remove the democrat Socialists. Vote as your very life depends on it because this time it does. If joe biden gets just one more Senator in his pocket we are done as a republic. Hell, it may be too late already, but we all must vote.
Does your member of Congress vote with joe biden?