A video has emerged of one of the world’s most powerful bankers boasting about plans to eliminate cash and gain “absolute control” over the global population through the use of digital money.
This from slaynews.com.
Agustin Carstens, GM of BIS (left) and Klaus Schwab, Exec Chairman WEF (right)
The video features Agustin Carstens, the General Manager of the Bank of International Settlements (BIS) and a World Economic Forum (WEF) member, discussing the “advantages” of a cashless society.
Carstens, who previously served as the Deputy Managing Director of the International Monetary Fund, issues a disturbing message about the future of the financial surveillance state and central banks’ plans to gain “absolute control” of everyone’s money.
The video initially surfaced in 2021 but has recently reemerged and gone viral in response to Joe-Joe Biden’s push for digital cash.
The Obiden Regime and other world governments have been advancing the development of Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs).
The currencies are federally-issued but take the form of cryptocurrency.
CBDCs are being touted by global power elites as a means to usher in a cashless society.
Carstens boasts that by getting rid of cash and using CBDCs, governments and their financial oligarchs will be able to track purchases globally and see exactly who’s buying what.
Carstens said:
They’ll also be able to fulfill their longtime goal of having absolute control over financial transactions.
We don’t know who’s using a $100 bill today and we don’t know who’s using a 1,000 peso bill today,” the Mexican moneyman said, bemoaning the anonymity of cash.
The key difference with the CBDC is the central bank will have absolute control on the rules and regulations that will determine the use of that expression of central bank liability.
He added:
Also, we will have the technology to enforce that.
Carsten’s plans to seize control of the wallets of the world.
Earlier this year, Joe Biden signed an executive order to seize control of cryptocurrencies and lay the groundwork to turn America into a cashless society.
Under Biden’s order, the federal government will work to design a functioning, centralized cryptocurrency.
Just last month, Biden’s Federal Reserve Chair Jerome Powell announced that the government-led cryptocurrency ordered by Biden will “not be anonymous.”
Much like in the plans revealed by Carstens, transactions will be tracked under [The Regime’s] federal cryptocurrency.
Government agents will theoretically have knowledge of every item purchased by American citizens.
Aside from surveillance, concerns are mounting about how much control over a person’s finances such the system would allow.
Much like Big Tech companies shut down the accounts of users who “violate” their policies, a person could, in theory, lose access to their own money due to their political views.
Maybe people would think twice about questioning climate change or vaccine mandates if it means they will be blocked from buying food for their families.
Final thoughts: It is no longer a mere threat. Soon Big Brother will be pervasively watching.
Remember: Elections have consequences. Stolen elections have dire consequences.
Think: November Red Wave.