The killer in the Monterey Park, CA Chinese New Year mass shooting let liberals down by being an elderly Asian man. Gun-grabbing liberals are feeling a similar sense of disappointment because the Michigan State University shooter was a black convict using a pistol, not a white supremacist with a deadly “assault weapon.”
Monday night, 43-year-old Anthony McRae open fired at 2 different locations on the Michigan State University campus, killing 3 and critically injuring 5 more. He was later found dead by a self-inflicted gunshot wound. McRae had previously been convicted of illegal possession of a concealed firearm and went to prison.
A lot of people are reporting that McRae was a convicted felon and shouldn’t have been allowed to possess the gun he used, but that’s not true. He took a plea deal on the felony gun charge, making it a misdemeanor, and completed his prison sentence as well as his probation. He was sadly allowed to own guns after that.
He did however break several laws by taking that legally owned gun into the gun-free zone of MSU and shooting 8 people, 3 of who died. All of that is illegal in testate of Michigan, BTW.
You may be wondering, just how liberals are going to exploit this tragedy to push for more gun control. Well, here is Michigan state House Majority Leader Ranjeev Puri doing his best:
Today, we begin to collectively heal from the horrific events which transpired, tomorrow we work.
My official statement regarding the Michigan State University shooting is below:
Fuck your thoughts and prayers. pic.twitter.com/iHCOxOmDA3
— Rep. Ranjeev Puri (@RanjeevPuri) February 14, 2023
F*ck our thoughts and prayers? Is this guy f*cking edgy, or what?
Puri’s rant is full of bullshit like claiming the MSU shooting was the 6th mass shooting of 2023, and he he ended with by writing, “Our office will continue to work tirelessly to pass common sense gun reform immediately.”
What “common sense” law would have stopped this guy? Prosecutors let him off the hook with the misdemeanor plea deal, he brought a gun somewhere that doesn’t allow them, and he opened fire on people, which is already against the law. Seriously, what possible new law can Puri think of that will make criminal scumbags like McRae suddenly start obeying?
Actually, I know of something that would be helpful in this instance, but liberals won’t like it because it doesn’t jive with their twisted sense of racial justice. When criminals, including black ones, are busted with illegal possession of firearms, don’t offer plea deals or toss the gun charges altogether. If prosecutors had convicted McRae of a felony, which they easily could have done, he’d still be in prison and 8 MSU students wouldn’t have been shot.
Democrat Rep. Elissa Slotkin went even dumber by suggesting that legal gun owners are at fault because they aren’t willing to have a “conversation” about getting rid of their guns:
Rep. Slotkin: “You either care about protecting kids, or you don’t… Please don’t tell me you care about the safety of children if you are not willing to have a conversation about keeping them safe in a place that should be a sanctuary.” pic.twitter.com/132zwpSzf1
— Greg Price (@greg_price11) February 14, 2023
Okay, let’s have a conversation about keeping our kids safe in school. Where they hell were the MSU campus security? McRae was able to open fire at two separate locations on campus and then walk home to kill himself. How is it possible that he wasn’t stopped at some point or that police didn’t find him until 9 hours after the shooting?
And while we’re having this conversation, what if MSU wasn’t a gun-free zone and students and teachers were allowed to carry concealed firearms? McRae would have been stopped before he could do so much damage.
The fact that McRae was black and used a pistol means that all of this faux outrage will disappear by tomorrow. Liberals will have to regroup and hope the next mass shooting is a white supremacist with an AR-15, so they can really push their unconstitutional gun laws that will not stop a crazy person from doing illegal things.