Senator Josh Hawley (R-MO) sponsored a COVID Origins bill.
This from survivethenews.com.
Politico reported:
The U.S. House sent legislation to Joe-Joe Biden on Friday requiring the regime to declassify all information held by U.S. agencies relating to potential links between China’s Wuhan Institute of Virology and Covid-19.
Every representative both communist/globalist and republican voted for the bill.
Last week the U.S. Senate also voted unanimously for the bill.
It makes you wonder what the [communists/globalists] have up their sleeve. They are not typically transparent.
There must be something behind their vote especially since we all know it will induce Dr. Tony Fauci the [Leftist] darling.
The Chinese Communist Party officials wrote Senator Hawley this week and demanded that he drop the bill.
Obviously, they are very worried. Dr. Fauci wasn’t the only one lying about COVID.
Senator Hawley responded to the Chi-Coms on Friday:
The bill will soon be law—unless you can convince [Joe] Biden to veto it. Time is up. Come clean about your role in spreading COVID to the world.
China has been so worked up about this COVID origins bill, Communist officials wrote to my office earlier this week and demanded I drop it. I thought I’d update President Xi on today’s passage
— Josh Hawley (@HawleyMO) March 10, 2023
The only thing covering for China right now is Joe Biden’s illegitimate placement. And we must remember, the Chinese Communists paid in advance for the Biden crime family’s traitorous services.
Final thoughts: As the screws are turned and events heat up, this China-Joe affair will be interesting to watch which will tip their cards first, and how the mass propaganda media will conspire to convince We the People this is all Trump’s fault.