As The Gateway Pundit has reported for over a year now on the Electronic Registration Information Center (ERIC) voter roll system that is used in 30-32 states, the system was originally promoted as a tool to clean up voter rolls. It has done anything but that.
This from thegatewaypundit.com.
For example, Wisconsin is an ERIC State and has over 7 million registered voters in a state with less than 4 million eligible voters.
The Wisconsin state election leader Sarah Whitt was hired by ERIC after performing such exemplary work in Wisconsin.
Obviously, ERIC is not working. The ERIC system is obsolete, inefficient, and has failed in its purpose. But the democrat communist/globalist party apparatus loves it for some reason.
The ERIC system is now used in dozens of states despite the fact that voter rolls in those states are more bloated with phantom voters than ever before in U.S. history.
The Gateway Pundit has reported on the ERIC Systems in a series of articles and follow-up reports for over a year now.
These articles have gone viral and are being passed on to state officials:
** ERIC Part 1: Who’s “Cleaning” Our Voter Rolls? ERIC Now in 31 States
** ERIC Part 2: Largest U.S. Counties Removed ZERO to TWO Ineligible Voters
** ERIC Part 3: The Founding of the Nation’s Largest Voter Roll Clean-up Operation
** ERIC Part 4: A Response to the Panicked Media Attacks
And our message is resonating. Since our original reporting, thousands of grassroots activists have called their Secretary of State’s office and demanded they look into the ERIC system.
[S]ince The Gateway Pundit first reported on ERIC,
two states have stepped away from the platform and more will follow.
This is a grave concern to the democrat communist/globalist lawmakers like Jocelyn Benson from Michigan and Gabe Sterling from Georgia who contributed to a recent AP report.
The two liberal activists are concerned that several states are now taking a closer look at the failed system. Why is that?
The Gateway Pundit received information last week
that there is big news coming regarding ERIC.
Earlier today we were informed there was going to be a major announcement made today.
TGP confirms that THREE STATES—MISSOURI, FLORIDA, AND WEST VIRGINIA—announced on Monday, they were cutting ties with the ERIC System.
Missouri Secretary of State Jay Ashcroft informed The Gateway Pundit on Monday that the three states would make an announcement later [in the day].
The three state officials felt it would be a powerful statement if all three states came together to make the explosive announcement.
Here is the announcement from Secretary of State Jay Ashcroft:
Here is the transcript.
March 6, 2023
Contact: JoDonn Chaney, (573) 526-0949Ashcroft Leads Missouri, Florida and West Virginia Out of ERIC
Jefferson City, Mo. — Secretary of State Jay Ashcroft, along with Florida and West Virginia sent letters to Executive Director Shane Hamlin stating their departure from the Electronic Registration Information Center known as ERIC.
For several months Missouri has been leading other states in an effort to reform the ERIC system by addressing significant concerns and implementing changes in ERIC.
“We have worked hard over the last several years to implement procedures that will make Missouri elections better, voter rolls more accurate, and bring greater trust to the election process,” Ashcroft said. “Voter confidence is compromised when individuals vote in more than one state and nothing is done. It appears that ERIC will not make the necessary changes to address these concerns, therefore, it is time to move on.”
As West Virginia Secretary of State Mac Warner said, “There is no defensible justification to allow any opportunity for partisanship in voter registration and list maintenance, much less in the administration of our nation’s elections.”
In his letter, Ashcroft cited reasons for Missouri’s departure including: not requiring member states to address issues of multi-state voters, board protocol procedures, lack of ERIC participation from border states, and unnecessary mailings.
Missouri continues to lead the country in accessible, secure, and creditable elections.
Watch for a MAJOR MELTDOWN from the Left and the mass propaganda media. DO NOT believe their lies!
This is great news for Americans who believe in free and fair elections!
God speed to Conservatism and God speed to the Take Back of our Constitutional Republic.