Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano gave a speech Wednesday, in video connection, at the Founding Conference of the International Russophiles’ Movement. His focus was the battle against Globalism, which significantly unites President Donald Trump and President Vladimir Putin.
This from survivethenews.com.

The woke ideology and the Agenda 2030 constitute an immense threat to the same survival of mankind: let’s fight this battle with honor, knowing that we are under the protection of God.
Archbishop Vigano shares in his message:
The recent pandemic farce—-conducted with criminal methods that I have not hesitated to denounce since the beginning of 2020—has been followed by new emergencies—including the Ukrainian crisis.
[These emergencies have been] deliberately provoked with the aim of destroying the social and economic fabric of nations, decimating the world population, concentrating control in the hands of an oligarchy that no one has elected and that has perpetrated a real world coup d’état, for which sooner or later it will be called to answer before the world.
The theorists of this coup have names and faces, starting with George Soros, Klaus Schwab, and Bill Gates.
Those who today declare that Russia is an enemy [also] consider Europeans, Americans, Australians and Canadians as enemies and treat them as such, persecuting and impoverishing them.
But while World Economic Forum emissaries in Western governments can legislate against the good of their own citizens and hold world leaders in the palm of their hands, regime change that has been successful in other nations has stopped at Russia’s borders.
On the other hand, the electoral fraud of 2020 in the United States of America was also indispensable to prevent the confirmation of President Donald Trump, just as in 2013 the deep state and the deep church managed to get Pope Benedict XVI to resign and to elect a person pleasing to the New World Order, the Jesuit Jorge Mario Bergoglio…
…We need an Anti-Globalist Alliance that returns to citizens the power that has been taken from them, and to nations the sovereignty eroded and ceded to the Davos lobby.
To anyone reading the above message, there is no requirement for you to be Christian or for you to be Catholic to comprehend the power and the fearlessness in Archbishop Vigano’s words. We the People of America and of the world have been longing for our Conservative leaders to step forward and to say these same words. Some have but many have remained in the shadows and silent.
Let us pray these words of Archbishop Vigano will incentivize more of our Conservative leaders to step forward and demand constitutional law and order.
Let us also pray these words of the Archbishop will incentivize those who merely pretend to be conservative to appeal to a particular voter base will also step forward and demand constitutional law and order.
And finally, let us pray these words of the Archbishop will incentivize the proponents of globalism to reevaluate their actions and to see the devil in the details of globalism.
Click HERE to view Archbishop Vigano’s entire message.
God speed to Conservatism and God speed to the Take Back of our Constitutional Republic.
If the United States of America survives with its Constitution intact, the world will survive as we know it. If America falls, the free world will fall.