Senator Joe Manchin of West Virginia has long been a fair-weathered ally of the Republican Party. He has helped stop The Regime and the communists/globalists from ramming radical bills through the Senate. But when the chips were down, he sided with the left to pass a massive spending bill that will raise taxes on Americans.
This from thepatriotjournal.com.
But he is up for re-election in 2024. And he cannot keep his seat in red West Virginia by siding with Biden. So now, Manchin is turning the tables on the Obiden Regime and the far-left communist/globalist agenda. And the moderate just struck a blow against Biden’s favorite hobby horse.
From Daily Wire:
First, he cast the deciding vote to pass a GOP-backed bill that would overturn EPA regulations on trucks.
Then, he co-sponsored a bill that would reinstate tariffs on solar imports.
The moves follow previous threats from Manchin to vote to overturn the $740 billion Inflation Reduction Act entirely.
The Regime has gone to war with America. The Leftists are pushing extreme climate measures that are crippling our country and handing our wealth to communist China. But Sen. Manchin cast his swing vote for Republican bills aimed at taking down two of Biden’s schemes.
The first bill repeals strict EPA rules on trucks. Tractor trailers are the backbone of our economy. Without them, [nothing] would get shipped across the country. Yet Biden saw it fit to hamstring the shipping industry, by imposing radical new emission standards that could put truckers out of business.
The second bill Manchin backed restored tariffs on solar panel imports. The Regime is aggressively pushing a ‘green’ agenda. The war on fossil fuels means America will be out of energy, unless we spend trillions on solar and wind power (which have shown to be far less reliable than oil).
And, conveniently, China is the largest producer of solar panels in the world (thanks to their sweatshops and slave labor). Biden lifted tariffs as a gift to his buddies in China, so Americans would buy more Chinese-made panels, rather than American-made.
Who’s side is Biden on? Exactly. In fact, clearly not America’s.
Manchin’s votes can upend The Regime’s agenda. The senator can derail The Regime’s radical schemes and force the Left to compromise with Republicans.
NOTE: West Virginia Governor Jim Justice, 72, filed paperwork on Thursday to win over Manchin’s seat. Justice, a democrat-turned-republican, was elected in 2016 and had previously waffled on whether he would jump into the ring. A democrat-turned-republican running against a democrat who oft times votes republican. Politics certainly is a dirty business.
Final thoughts: A Senator Justice from West Virginia may very well be the better of the two. But after Manchin cast the deciding vote for the massive spending bill, seeing him get the heave ho by West Virginia voters would be an added pleasure.