Another day, another empty claim that we need to alter our lifestyles to appease the power-mad brokers of our country.
The latest hectoring harbinger is that our landscaping equipment is murdering the planet, so changes need to be enforced. This is what the over-educated and under-employed generations have wrought; the constant grazing for the next offense that needs to be addressed.
This from redstate.com.

USA Today delivered this latest solution to a wholly manufactured problem, claiming that the lawn mower and the leaf blowers used by your lawn service are the most pernicious producers of deadly emissions, having said:
Regulators and clean-air advocates are increasingly eyeing the pollution emitted by small gasoline engines.
Get ready for the hyperbolic, uber-idiotic proclamations, with high-priced solutions attached.
While many critics first attacked the small engines for the noise they make, experts say these small, two-stroke engines release shockingly large amounts of pollution—two problems that modern and increasingly affordable electric-powered equipment solves.
Advocates say that in addition to the climate-changing emissions released by the engines, workers are exposed directly to their exhaust and rarely wear filters to protect their lungs.
Then, get a load of this fertilizer-quality claim that is made to justify their outrage:
Environmentalists say using a commercial gas leaf blower for an hour produces emissions equal to driving from Denver to Los Angeles.
Yes, environmentalists say quite a lot of things. This is the kind of hysteria that needs to be pointed out. And then laughed at, loudly.
But here are some glaring facts amidst the touting of the merits of lithium-powered lawn care as a “more sustainable alternative”:
Critics say battery-powered machines aren’t as strong as gas-powered ones.
[P]eople also worry about having to buy new equipment, which is generally more expensive. Someone starting a small landscaping business could buy the necessary gas-powered equipment for about $6,000, but the electric equivalents could cost three times that. That is not “generally” more expensive, that is a 300% increase.
[F]orcing lawn care companies to transition to battery-powered equipment will translate to bills for homeowners spiking three times higher.
As usual, environmental prophets are free and loose with solutions as they are essentially spending other people’s money.
Final thoughts, a question and an answer: The next hectoring harbinger with which they will hit us? The radical Left has not yet come for our lawnmowers but expect the attack to commence all too soon.
Not long ago electric automobiles was the new wave—gasoline vehicles were labeled ‘the great evil on the environment,’ then CRT took over our schools, to be followed by transgender activism mushrooming before our eyes, and followed closely by the attack on gas stoves, then diesel trucks, now small gasoline engines.
Yes, soon they will be coming for our lawnmowers. The start may be the taxing of lawn services out of business.
The one question remaining: What will they come for after they’ve begun taking our lawnmowers?