Radical left insurrectionists on Tuesday afternoon stormed the Texas State Capitol and shut down proceedings on a bill banning child sex surgeries.
This from survivethenews.com.
The rabblerousers certainly regretted their decision—if there is one law enforcement agency in America that does not screw around, it is the Texas state police.
The Texas Tribune reported:
House Speaker Dave Phelan ordered state police to clear the House Chamber Gallery as the bill came to the floor.
According to Fox News:
Once the gallery was cleared, the vote on the legislation was then delayed until later in the week after a parliamentary concern was raised.
At the same time police were trying to clear the gallery, insurrectionists unrolled banners in support of child mutilation.
They also were reportedly chanting “trans rights are human rights” and singing “we are fighting for our rights, and we shall not be moved.”
Insurrection at the Texas Capitol. pic.twitter.com/18mApBpfl6
— @amuse (@amuse) May 2, 2023
There was rioting outside the gallery as well.
The protest continues outside the gallery. pic.twitter.com/C02utSVFqj
— Texas Family Project (@FamilyProjectTX) May 2, 2023
Insurrectionists assaulted a woman who was supporting the state legislature’s efforts to protect children.
Demons is certainly an apt comparison.
The Texas Tribune reported:
[T]he agitators had had been at the Capitol since Tuesday morning, awaiting debate on SB 14, the bill banning gender reassignment surgeries for children.
The insanity for rioters came to an end once the Texas police arrived on scene and “bodied” a few protesters.
The officers delivered a simple message with their actions: don’t mess with Texas.
Insurrectionist bodied at the Texas State Capitolpic.twitter.com/Yl92NQlsK0
— Citizen Free Press (@CitizenFreePres) May 2, 2023
Capitol Security looks like they’re detaining (or at least forcibly removing) certain demonstrators. You can see several officers hold a man down in here. #txlege pic.twitter.com/ksDEKtQJAA
— Michael Adkison (@madkisonews) May 2, 2023
Predictably, Twitter leftists started whining.
Wow — watch how these big, tough Texas public safety officers violently manhandled these peaceful protesters, whose only “crime” was demonstrating in the House Gallery at the Texas Capitol against an anti-trans bill.
This just goes to show how terrified @GregAbbott_TX is of… https://t.co/vXnsXL036Y
— Jon Cooper (@joncoopertweets) May 2, 2023
This is the thuggery and cowardice of the Republican Party. https://t.co/QqdazGyadT
— Fred Wellman (@FPWellman) May 2, 2023
Final thoughts: ‘Thuggery” wrote one Twitter poster. Oh, quite the contrary. Responding to violations of the law with appropriate, necessary force is not ‘Thuggery.’
Think of it as ‘Deterrence.’ These lawbreakers have certainly been deterred from repeating this behavior in Texas, and other would-be insurrectionists have been deterred from performing copycat behaviors of this kind in Texas. The word is out on the street: Keep this behavior in Blue states.