Sunday, August 6, 2023

Even Anti-Trumpers Are Now Waking Up—Plus Trump Card Details Explained

We conservatives have known videos like this would begin popping up. We likely have relatives and acquaintances too that we wonder why they are requiring so much time for their internal light bulbs to go on.

Surprisingly, this lady seems to be intelligent but the fact that her “wake up” has taken so long—three years—brings question to her intelligence.

This from

There is a reason why Trump has waited and waited and waited and let things play out. It’s called The Plan.

He had to let people SEE for themselves just what the Leftists had in mind, what they intended to do to our beloved country.

He had to let it go to the place where even anti-Trumpers would begin to look around and say: “Hang on, this just isn’t right.”

Watch below what this lady has posted to Twitter.

She says she was a big time anti-Trumper in 2016.

Hated him!

And that continued for a long time. Perhaps, too long for a seemingly smart lady.

But now that he’s been out of office for 3 years and she sees the Leftist machine continuing to go after him, she’s looking  around saying this isn’t right.

Listen to this powerful testimony:

Again, Trump needed to wait for We the People to see for ourselves the communist/globalist evil.

If he had moved in with the military in 2020 and taken back power, he would have looked like a Dictator.

But now imagine….what if he’s had the evidence all along, and he was just waiting for millions of people like this lady to wake up and red pill?

Then instead of fighting him when he presents the evidence they will rally behind him.

And did you think the 2020 Steal was over?

Do you believe they got away with it?

They have for nearly 3 years but it’s far from over.

In fact, thanks to Jack Smith’s new charges against President Trump it seems We the People now have the perfect forum to actually litigate the 2020 election.

And it is with that backdrop that this article moves to a recent interview on England’s GBN featuring Dr. Jan Halper-Hayes.

Dr. Halper-Hayes is a political strategist who was on the Trump Transition Team and who is a frequent guest on BBC, CNBC, CNN and Breitbart.

But it’s what she said on GBN that MUST GET our attention.

Here comes the Trump Card! And Dr. Halper-Hayes catches these two broadcast journalists flatfooted.  

The full interview, A MUST WATCH below:

Listen carefully: Trump is about to play a trump card.

He can subpoena and call witnesses. Soon the dirt will ALL come out.

“Trump has got the goods.” He has the evidence of it all.

And from Trump’s attorney John Lauro, he confirms many of the same details:


Point, Set, Match!