Have a great weekend Deplorables!
We stand against the chaos and violence, the silencing of debate, the purging of heretics, the rewriting of history, and the destruction of the greatest country in the world.
Read more from the editors at @Commentary
https://t.co/gl7BUiu4Hs#Riots #FreeSpeech #CancelCulture pic.twitter.com/nRbK83nb1M
— Commentary Magazine (@Commentary) June 19, 2020
We Must Stop the Great Unraveling
Via Commentary Magazine
Across the United States, a great unraveling is in progress. A rolling crime wave, under the guise of social activism, has left city after American city shattered and smoldering. Armed anarchists seized territory inside Seattle with the blessing of local government. In Minneapolis and other cities, a campaign to enfeeble or eliminate the police has gained full legitimacy. In Kentucky, the governor has vowed to provide free health care only to one racial group. In the private sector, companies such as Uber Eats have pledged their commitment to a policy of race-conscious discrimination as well. And major media organs sanction all of the above as proper and good.
The unraveling goes further still. Social-justice mobs have taken aim at freedom of expression, inventing new heresies daily and ruining the lives of those who unwittingly give voice to them. Forced confessions and language proscriptions are the order of the day. Poetry, fiction, movies, and television shows—including children’s cartoons—are canceled and excised from history. Indeed, all art and opinion are now subject to the chopping block lest they prove insufficiently propagandistic.
To rewrite the present, the mob has rewritten the past. They have forced upon us a distorted and grotesque version of American history. With the support of corporations and education boards, school textbooks and curricula tell of an unredeemable America founded not on the promise of human liberty but human bondage. What’s more, this history discounts the transformative progress on racial equality for which Americans—black and white—have given their lives.
Through the violent politicization of all aspects of American life, the mob aims to destroy the country as we know it and replace it with a new one—an anti-America that trades speech for violence, police for thought police, a free press for an indoctrination network, and the respect due the citizen for the obeisance owed the mob.
There is one way to stop the unraveling: Refuse the mob.
Read the entire article HERE.
BLM, the Racist Group That Chanted “Fry” Cops, Now at 62% APPROVAL Among Voters. https://t.co/v0191GJTIg pic.twitter.com/0rYbNqnv4z
— TheNewAmerican (@NewAmericanMag) June 16, 2020
BLM, the Racist Group That Chanted “Fry” Cops, Now at 62% APPROVAL Among Voters
Via The New American
“Pigs in a blanket. Fry like bacon!” chanted the group, encouraging violence against police officers. That was just five years ago.
Now that group, the once unpopular Black Lives Matter (BLM), enjoys 62-percent approval among likely voters, according to Rasmussen.
That means this radical organization is more popular than the president, Joe Biden, Congress, big business, the media, religious institutions, and even the pope, pointed out Fox News host Tucker Carlson last night. In fact, not only is BLM now essentially a “political party,” averred the commentator, but it may now “be the single most powerful party in the United States.”
Moreover, imagine “a world where you are punished for questioning the behavior of the president or for insulting your local mayor,” Carlson later stated. “You probably can’t imagine that because it’s too bizarre. It is un-American — but that is where we are right now.”
“Black Lives Matter has changed the rules,” the host continued, “and here is the first new rule: No criticizing Black Lives Matter.”
Sound like an exaggeration? Well, consider that in Vermont, Windsor School principal Tiffany Riley is currently on administrative leave and will most certainly lose her job for posting statements to her personal Facebook account that the Mount Ascutney School District Board said reflected “ignorance, prejudice, and lack of judgement.”
Superintendent David Baker went even further. He said he’d he assumed Riley’s account had been “hacked” for her to have posted something with “racial overtones and what I define as pretty much outright racist in my values system.” So what did she say? Brace yourself…
According to the school board, Riley wrote last Wednesday:
I firmly believe that Black Lives Matter, but I DO NOT agree with the coercive measures taken to get to this point across; some of which are falsified in an attempt to prove a point. While I want to get behind BLM, I do not think people should be made to feel they have to choose black race over human race. While I understand the urgency to feel compelled to advocate for black lives, what about our fellow law enforcement? What about all others who advocate for and demand equity for all? Just because I don’t walk around with a BLM sign should not mean I am a racist.
The board then mentioned that the above was “followed later by a follow up Facebook post, which acknowledged no culpability, expressed no specific contrition or empathy, and showed no humility.”
Translation: Riley didn’t take the knee, so she got the boot. The Khmer Rouge would be proud.
Read the entire article HERE.
Paul Bradford: Trump and Republicans will receive no plaudits or praise for joining in the Left’s war against America’s heritage. https://t.co/pr68SP1x01 https://t.co/6FocNBY5mG
— American Greatness (@theamgreatness) June 20, 2020
The Right Must Defend Our Monuments
Via American Greatness
Life is tough for statues dedicated to dead white men. At the bare minimum, these statues will be spray painted. Worse, and more common these days, an unlucky statue will be dragged across town and dumped in the nearest body of water.
Authorities seem not to mind the recent destruction. Police stand idly by as mobs deface our heritage and disregard all rules and laws. Some authorities want to finish the mob’s work and topple the statues with taxpayer-funded services.
Republicans and conservatives appear remarkably unconcerned with this war on history. They’re too busy repeating Black Lives Matter talking points to notice our monuments being defaced and our statues razed.
The Republican-led Senate Armed Services Committee even approved an amendment, proposed by none other than Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.), to rename long-established military bases named for officers who served in the Confederate army and to destroy all Confederate monuments in military cemeteries. Only two Republicans opposed this move—Missouri’s Josh Hawley and Tom Cotton of Arkansas.
Fox News host Steve Hilton, a British immigrant who styles himself a “positive populist,” said America should tear down all offensive statues. “By defending offensive symbols, Republicans can concede substantive policy debate to the Democrats,” Hilton said. He then argued President Trump could show he was the real champion of “equality of opportunity” by doing this.
The Mob vs. History
In reality, Republicans would only advance the Left’s agenda and decimate our national identity.
This assault on American heritage should be a priority for conservatives and Republicans. This isn’t just about Confederates or Christopher Columbus—this is about how we see ourselves as a country. Will we be a country that honors the heroes who built our nation, or will we only remember those who held views considered proper for 21st-century liberals?
The main targets for the mob are Confederates and Christopher Columbus. Many liberals and a good number of conservatives agree with the animus directed at both. The prevailing narrative says the Confederates were racist traitors who deserve the scorn of current Americans. Columbus is bad because he and his compatriots didn’t treat the Indians well. Both are symbols of “white supremacy” and must go. Leftists don’t care about how important these figures are to millions of Americans or to our past. The past must justify the present; anything that doesn’t must be discarded.
Contemporary Americans forget the purpose of these statues. To millions of Southerners, they honor their ancestors and local culture.
Read the entire article HERE.
‘Weaponized Whiteness’: Meet Extremists Shaping Joe Biden’s 2020 Agenda https://t.co/xc4rgMIlAd
— #SeekingTheTruth (@TruthSeeker____) June 20, 2020
‘Weaponized Whiteness’: Meet Extremists Shaping Joe Biden’s 2020 Agenda
Via Breitbart News
A task force on criminal justice reform, charged with shaping Democratic nominee Joe Biden’s public policy agenda and intended to guide the Party’s 2020 platform, is composed of extremist members with radical views directly tied to organizations that believe America is an inherently racist country that must be fought through a radical transformation.
“Weaponized whiteness” poses an existential threat to people of color in the U.S.; police departments must undergo radical change to “better serve a race of people historically oppressed by it;” and “anything less than a radical transformation” of the U.S. is unacceptable. These are just some of the views promoted by members tasked with shaping the Democratic Party reforms of the justice system, should the party gain power in the upcoming 2020 elections.
Chiraag Bains is co-chair of the criminal justice reform task force that is guiding Biden’s policies vis-Ã -vis overhauling the justice system.
He is currently the director of legal strategies at the far-left George Soros-funded Demos think tank, which is currently working closely with radical activist organizations such as the Movement for Black Lives (M4BL) to support “the critical and increasingly dangerous” work of protesting and organizing and stands in solidarity with the group’s demands and their declaration that anything less than a “radical transformation” of the U.S. is unacceptable.
Breitbart News previously reported that M4BL seeks a revolution to topple the U.S. capitalist system and its replacement with a socialist-style government replete with universal income, collective ownership, and the redistribution of wealth.
In the past, Bains worked at the Soros-funded Vera Institute of Justice, where he helped co-write a report titled: “Confronting Confinement: A Report of the Commission on Safety and Abuse in America’s Prisons,” which criticized the conditions of confinement at supermax prisons which house some of the most dangerous criminals.
As an undergraduate, Bains also interned at the liberal Lawyers’ Committee for Civil Rights Under Law where he contributed as a researcher for a guide report titled, “50-State Report on Re-Enfranchisement – A Guide to Restoring Your Right to Vote – A Resource for Individuals with Felony Convictions and Advocates who Work with Disenfranchised Communities,” which aimed to assist convicted felons with gaining the right to vote.
Up until 2017, Bains worked at the Civil Rights Division of the Department of Justice under Eric Holder, who is a member of the criminal justice reform task force.
Read the entire article HERE.
Democrats & Jim Crow: A Century of Racist History the Democratic Party Prefers You'd Forgethttps://t.co/cksxOvF7df
— The Libertarian Institute (@LibertarianInst) June 20, 2020
Democrats & Jim Crow: A Century of Racist History the Democratic Party Prefers You’d Forget
Via Grabien
In the last Presidential election, Donald Trump was lauded for his performance among black voters – he scored 4 percent of female black voters and a whopping 13 percent of black male voters, the highest since Richard Nixon. This isn’t shocking. Black voters have voted en masse for the Democratic Party since the mid-60s and the passage of the 1964 Civil Rights Act, the Voting Rights Act and the social welfare programs of the Great Society. This solidified black voters behind the Democratic Party, but they had been moving there since the New Deal.
However, it’s a historical anomaly in the United States. The traditional home of the black voter was the Republican Party, due to its historical role in ending slavery and introducing Reconstruction Acts and Amendments to the Constitution. It also did not help that the Democratic Party was the party of Jim Crow, a system of legally enforced segregation present throughout the American South in the aftermath of the Civil War.
Before delving further into the topic, it is important to define precisely what we mean by Jim Crow and why it is a distinct form of legal codes in United States history. While Northern and Western cities were by no means integrated, this integration was de facto, not de jure. In many cases, the discrimination in the North was a discrimination of custom and preference, discrimination that could not be removed without a highly intrusive government action ensuring equality of outcome. Northerners and Westerners were not required to discriminate, but nor were they forbidden from doing so.
Compare this to the series of laws in the American South known for mandating segregation at everything from public schools to water fountains.
No one is entirely sure where the term “Jim Crow” came from, but it’s suspected that it comes from an old minstrel show song and dance routine called “Jump Jim Crow.” Curiously, the first political application of the term “Jim Crow” was applied to the white populist supporters of President Andrew Jackson. The history of the Jim Crow phenomenon we are discussing here goes back to the end of Reconstruction in the United States.
Read the entire article HERE.
Epstein Case: Documentaries Won't Touch Tales Of Intel Ties https://t.co/Ab5sRchlLo
— zerohedge (@zerohedge) June 19, 2020
Epstein Case: Documentaries Won’t Touch Tales Of Intel Ties
Via Zero Hedge
Investigation Discovery premiered a three-hour special, “Who Killed Jeffrey Epstein?” on May 31, the first segment in a three-part series, that focused on Epstein’s August 2019 death in federal custody. The series addresses Epstein’s alleged co-conspirator Ghislaine Maxwell, his links with billionaire Leslie Wexner, founder of the Victoria Secrets clothing line, and others, as well as the non-prosecution deal he was given.
The special followed on the heels of Netflix’s release of “Jeffrey Epstein: Filthy Rich,” a mini-series that draws on a book of the same name by James Patterson.
Promotional material for “Who Killed Jeffery Epstein?” promises that: “… exclusive interviews and in-depth investigations reveal new clues about his seedy underworld, privileged life and controversial death. The three-hour special looks to answer the questions surrounding the death of this enigmatic figure.” Netflix billed its series this way: “Stories from survivors fuel this docuseries examining how convicted sex offender Jeffrey Epstein used his wealth and power to carry out his abuses.”
Neither documentary however deals at all with Epstein’s suspected ties to the world of intelligence.
Absent from both are Maxwell’s reported links to Israeli intelligence through her father, Robert Maxwell, former owner of The New York Daily News and The Mirror newspaper in London. Maxwell essentially received a state funeral in Israel and was buried on the Mount of Olives after he mysteriously fell off his yacht in 1991 in the Atlantic Ocean.
n an interview with Consortium News, former Israeli intelligence officer Ari Ben-Menashe said Epstein did not work with Mossad. “Military intelligence was who he was working with,” said Ben-Menashe. “Big difference,” he said. “He never worked with Mossad, and Robert Maxwell never did, either. It was military intelligence.”
In “Epstein: Dead Men Tell No Tales,” a book published in December, Ben-Menashe is quoted as saying he worked with Robert Maxwell who introduced his daughter and Epstein to Israeli intelligence, after which they engaged in a blackmail operation for Israel. “[Epstein] was taking photos of politicians f**king fourteen-year-old girls — if you want to get it straight. They [Epstein and Maxwell] would just blackmail people, they would just blackmail people like that,” he says in the book.
Ben-Menashe also claims that Robert Maxwell had attempted to blackmail Mossad. “He really lost his compass once he started playing these games with people,” he told Consortium News.
Read the entire article HERE.
Chick-Fil-A CEO:
White People Should Shine Blacks’ Shoes to Show ‘Sense of Shame,’ ‘Embarrassment’ for Racism pic.twitter.com/A2Utbc0a2t
— Gabe Hoffman (@GabeHoff) June 18, 2020
Chick-fil-A CEO: White people should show their ‘sense of shame’ for racism by shining black people’s shoes
Via The Washington Examiner
Chick-fil-A CEO Dan Cathy said during a church service that one way white people can atone for racism is to shine the shoes of black people to show their “shame.”
“Most of us white people, we’re ‘out of sight, out of mind’ oblivious to it,” Cathy said on Sunday. “We cannot let this moment pass.”
Cathy, who was speaking at Atlanta’s Passion City Church, told a story about a young man who was “gripped with conviction about the racism that was happening” in his small Texas town and inspired him to kneel before a black man and shine his shoes. Cathy said that “tears began to flow” when that young man told his story at a church service.
“So, I invite folks to just put some words to action here,” Cathy said as he stood up and walked over toward rapper Lecrae with a shoe brush in hand and knelt in front of him before brushing his shoes. “If we need to find somebody that needs to have their shoes shined, we just need to go right on over and shine their shoes, and whether they got tennis shoes on or not, maybe they got sandals on, it really doesn’t matter. But there’s a time at which we need to have, you know, some personal action here. Maybe we need to give them a hug, too.”
Cathy then held up his brush and said, “I bought about 1,500 of these, and I gave them to all of our Chick-fil-A operators and staff a number of years ago. And so any expressions of a contrite heart, of a sense of humility, a sense of shame, a sense of embarrassment, but yet with an apologetic heart, I think that’s what our world needs to hear today.”
Read the entire article HERE.
Chick-Fil-A Now Open On Sunday But Only For Black People https://t.co/xvjI5gVbnf
— The Babylon Bee (@TheBabylonBee) June 19, 2020
Chick-Fil-A Now Open On Sunday But Only For Black People
Via The Babylon Bee (Satire)
ATLANTA, GA—Chick-fil-A CEO Dan Cathy announced yesterday that his fast-food restaurant will be ending its long-standing policy on Sunday closure, but only for black people.
“We are leading the way towards racial reconciliation in this country,” Cathy said. “And everyone knows the best way to achieve racial reconciliation is to segregate black people and make them feel as awkward as possible. Chick-fil-A is dedicated to providing the blacks with a safe space so that they can be properly honored.”
Chick-fil-A will be providing racial justice training for all its employees. Sunday employees will all be required to wear traditional African Kente cloths as they serve food in the dining room. They will also offer to shine customer’s sneakers for free as they eat. Most notably, there will also be a change to the traditional polite phrase uttered by every Chick-fil-A employee after their sacrificial acts of lovingkindness. When addressing white people, workers will still say “my pleasure!” When addressing people of color, workers will now say “my privilege!” while kneeling respectfully.
Further changes will be seen during the rest of the week as well. Dining rooms will be rearranged to provide a separate place of honor for minorities to sit. They will also be provided with separate bathrooms and drinking fountains. Chick-fil-A leadership insists that this new “separate and more equal” policy will make their restaurants bright shining beacons of racial reconciliation for the world to emulate.
“Chick-fil-A will always be a kind and welcoming place for the blacks, the Chinamen, and those people who wear that red dot on their foreheads,” Cathy said. “Just please don’t steal the sauces and we’ll be cool. Or if you want to steal the sauces, that’s ok too. We honor you.”
Cathy also apologized for serving white meat and promised more diversity in the future.
Check out all of the Bee’s takes on politics and culture HERE.
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