Ben Rozier is the mayor of Bloomingdale, GA. Or rather, he was. Rozier has been forced to resign by the city council for a Facebook post.
Mayor Rozier
We’re living in weird times. It used to be that one of the left’s biggest causes was total freedom. Freedom to be different. Freedom to have unpopular beliefs. Freedom of thought. And freedom of expression, speech.
Remember the fight to allow an “art display” in a national museum that featured a crucifix submerged in a glass of urine? Free speech. Offensive to many, but tough. Freedom, Baby.
The ACLU, after they drifted far to the left, has fought numerous court cases in behalf of free speech, including the “free expression” of flag burning.
But now the left has become everything they once hated and protested. Only radical left thought and speech are allowed. Dissenting views are cause for persecution, prosecution, doxxing and the ruination of ones life.The quest for so-called freedom often devolves into a campaign of terror and genocide.
The Bloomingdale city council demanded that Mayor Rozier resign immediately for a posting on his Facebook page. The city council posted on their Facebook page a statement, saying that they do not “condone or endorse any single or collective posts” from from the mayor.
Well, here is the offensive post over which the mayor lost his job.
What is privilege?….
“Privilege is wearing $200 sneakers when you’ve never had a job.
“Privilege is wearing $300 Beats headphones while living on public assistance.
“Privilege is having a Smartphone with a Data plan which you receive no bill for.
“Privilege is living in subsidized housing where you don’t have a water bill, where rising property taxes and rents and energy costs have absolutely no effect on the amount of food you can put on your table.
“Privilege is the ability to go march against, and protest anything that triggers you without worrying about calling out of work and the consequences that accompany such behavior.
“Privilege is having as many children as you want, regardless of your employment status, and [to] be able to send them off to daycare or school you don’t pay for.
“Privilege is sending your kids to school early for the before-school programs and breakfast, and then keeping them there for the after-school program…paid for by the people who DO HAVE TO DEAL WITH RISING TAXES AND COSTS! …you know, us so-called ‘PRIVILEGED’ the ones who pay while you TAKE TAKE TAKE!
Nothing that Rozier posted is untrue. Not only does it express his opinion, it highlights some very uncomfortable truths. Truths that we are no longer allowed to mention in America.
So now we live in a country where police officers kneel and lay down because anarchists tell them to. Whites wash the feet and shine the shoes of their masters. They give money when they’re told to. Gangs and thugs roam the streets and beat white kids and white store clerks and old white women, all with impunity.
We live in a country where people are not allowed to move about freely or dwell in security. We live in a country where people are not allowed to say what they think.