Good morning Deplorables, are you beginning to suspect that none of our so-called “leaders” have the stomach for putting down the insurrection?
2010 Arab Spring Common Connections to the 2020 Black Lives Matter Movement… https://t.co/ltdhDt2b2U
— TheLastRefuge (@TheLastRefuge2) June 22, 2020
2010 Arab Spring Common Connections to the 2020 Black Lives Matter Movement…
By Sundance/The Conservative Treehouse
It’s an interesting comparison to note. The ideological interests behind the 2010 “Arab Spring” uprising are the exact same ideological interests behind the 2020 “Black Lives Matter” protests/uprising. Not merely similar people, but the exact same people.
The exact same group of U.S. people who were promoting the mid-east Arab Spring in 2010 are the same people now promoting the 2020 Black Lives Matter protests. The same politicians; the same media voices; the same newspapers; the same social media activists. Almost every participant, and their support for the uprising ’10 -vs- ’20 is identical.
In the background of the Arab Spring, the root control organization was The Muslim Brotherhood. Considering all of the connective similarities; and considering the U.S. advocates for the brotherhood are the same voices advocating for BLM; does it not stand to reason the BLM movement is an extension of the same overarching ideology.
It is not an esoteric intellectual exercise to compare the two movements because we’re not only talking about a similar level of protest, we’re seeing an identical set of actions in both groups. Not only are the advocates the same voices; but their purposeful action, the behavior to remove and destroy common cultural connection/heritage is the same.
The Brotherhood is essentially the umbrella organization for a multitude of Islamic factions. In essence, the Muslim Brotherhood represents political Islam. Similarly if you look at the structure of Black Lives Matter they too represent an umbrella-type structure for a network of individual political grievance groups. Both groups represent a cultural revolution by the results of their activity.
In 2010 the Brotherhood had al-Qaeda and militant factions within ISIS. In 2020 BLM has New Black Panthers and militant factions within Antifa.
In 2010 the Brotherhood tore down statues and symbols they identified as culturally oppressive to their political views. In 2020 BLM tears down statues and symbols they identify as oppressive to their political views.
In 2010 the Brotherhood burned books, destroyed history and removed their cultural opposition by force. In 2020 BLM promotes burning books, destroying history and cancelling their cultural opposition by force.
In 2010 the Brotherhood used social media to organize their political activity and Big Tech facilitated even by setting up local networks for protest. In 2020 BLM uses social media to organize their political media and Big Tech facilitates by deploying all local networks to assist.
In 2010 the Brotherhood attacked the police and framed their Islamist movement as oppressed by law enforcement. In 2020 BLM attacks the police and frames their movement as oppressed by law enforcement.
In 2010 the Brotherhood destroyed the notions of secularism and viciously attacked any form of Christianity. In 2020 BLM advocates against secularism and viciously attacks Christianity, while conspicuously never criticizing any element of Islam.
In 2010 the Brotherhood was very strategic as they hoodwinked moderate Islamic supporters into voting them into power. Once in power they removed all of the institutional systems, government offices, judges, constitutional balances, local elections, and anything that would impede their ultimate stranglehold on power. Sharia Law replaced common legislative law. As a result, the ordinary population was brutalized, property was taken by force; businesses were taken by force and the Islamic regime now controlled every element of their lives.
In 2020 the approach of the BLM movement appears very strategic as they hoodwink a multitude of supporters by defining their victim class and role. Much like the 2010 Brotherhood approach grievances are made personal. Bonds between families and friends are severed by force and demands to adhere to the movement’s ideology.
It will be interesting to see if BLM supporters recognize the deception in 2020; because the Brotherhood supporters in 2010 did not recognize it until it was too late.
There are many similarities.
Check out all of Sundance’s great work at CTH HERE.
Rape. Arson. Violence. Death. I spent five days incognito at the Seattle so-called “Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone.” https://t.co/QKN5KmnPZH
— Andy Ngô (@MrAndyNgo) June 20, 2020
My terrifying 5-day stay inside Seattle’s ‘autonomous zone’
By Andy Ngo/The New York Post
SEATTLE — On June 8, Seattle police frantically loaded what they could from the east precinct onto trucks and cars. Within hours, they boarded up and abandoned the station. That night, left-wing protesters from Black Lives Matter and Antifa declared ownership of the six-block neighborhood in the middle of the Pacific Northwest’s largest city. They named their new territory the “Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone,” or CHAZ. No laws or rules applied here except for one: “No cops allowed.”
During five undercover days and nights in the zone, I witnessed a continuing experiment in anarchy, chaos and brute-force criminality. In order to avoid being exposed as a journalist — several reporters have been barred or expelled — I slept and showered outside the zone. (Those inside have no showers but they do have portable bathrooms.) I took meals, and most of my water breaks, elsewhere because I was reluctant to remove my mask and risk being recognized. Every day I entered the zone twice through its semi-porous borders — once in the early afternoon, and again after sundown, staying until the wee hours.
Crime has surged inside and outside the zone.
Before the takeover, violent clashes between rioters and police defending the east precinct resulted in dozens of officers injured by rocks and other projectiles. Protesters and rioters complained of police brutality, leading Seattle Mayor Jenny Durkan and Chief Best to ban cops from using tear gas, pepper spray and flash-bangs for 30 days.
CHAZ is having reverberating effects elsewhere. In the early hours of Thursday morning, Antifa and other left-wing protesters established an “autonomous zone” in downtown Portland, Ore. They stole city and business property to build a wall. At least one protester was seen carrying a rifle. The area was later cleared by police but far-left activists are determined to try again. Protesters in Nashville and other cities have attempted to recreate their own “autonomous zones” modeled after CHAZ but have so far been stopped by law enforcement.
In Seattle, as soon as police evacuated from the station nearly two weeks ago, masked protesters stole city property — barricades, fencing and more — to create makeshift barriers. These barriers became the official border checkpoints in and out of CHAZ. They were later fortified with additional layers of security: more blockades and 24-hour guards. A large team of volunteers assembled to designate themselves “security” for CHAZ. Many of them wear patches signaling they’re part of the Puget Sound John Brown Gun Club, a far-left militia-type organization named after the radical abolitionist. Last year, one of the group’s members carried out an armed attack on an Immigration, Customs and Enforcement facility in Tacoma, Wash. Police said that Willem van Spronsen tried to ignite the 500-gallon propane tank attached to the facility. He was killed by police.
Those unfortunate enough to have homes or businesses within CHAZ — an estimated 30,000 residents — have no say over their new overlords. Residents have discreetly voiced their concerns to local media. Gunshots and “screams of terror” at night have been reported. A resident of an apartment building came out twice to ask protesters to leave the alley where the entrance is. They brushed him off.
Every business and property inside CHAZ has been vandalized with graffiti. Most messages say some variation of “Black Lives Matter” or “George Floyd,” but other messages call for the murder of police. Most businesses are boarded up. “ACAB” — all cops are bastards, an Antifa slogan — is written over them.
Businesses outside CHAZ are also suffering. Last week, the Trader Joe’s in Capitol Hill announced it was closing immediately and indefinitely because of “safety and security concerns.” Then last Sunday night, around 100 angry protesters sprinted toward a nearby auto repair shop to “rescue” a comrade who had been detained. All it took to sic the mob on the business was one man yelling into a microphone inside CHAZ. According to the police report, the store’s owner, John McDermott, stopped Richard Hanks after he allegedly broke into the business, stole property and tried to start a fire. The owner and his son said they called police “multiple times” but cops and firefighters never responded.
Read the entire article HERE.
"Thank God we have President Trump (at the moment) keeping us from heading too far down this tragic path. But I must warn my fellow Americans that we are clearly headed in a frightening and tragic direction." https://t.co/5Z8jbT3Zxw
— Townhall.com (@townhallcom) June 21, 2020
Is America Starting Down the Path of Nazi Germany?
By Wayne Allyn Root
I cannot express how truly sad writing this op-ed has made me. But I’m a patriotic American. And I’m an American Jew. I have studied the beginnings of Nazi Germany and the Holocaust. And I can clearly see parallels with what is happening in America today. Thank God we have President Trump (at the moment) keeping us from heading too far down this tragic path. But I must warn my fellow Americans that we are clearly headed in a frightening and tragic direction.
I know I’m not alone. A recent poll shows 80% of the American public believes things are spiraling “out of control.”
I never thought I’d write the following words about living in America: Those caught in the middle of the recent “protests” in American cities, especially those seeing their businesses looted, burned or destroyed; seeing police stations burned or seized by radicals; or seeing their town’s downtown business district taken hostage by thugs finally understand how Jews felt in Nazi Germany during the infamous Kristallnacht.
This is exactly how it started in Nazi Germany all those decades ago:
— Windows shattered, stores looted and burned.
— Blackshirts roaming the streets demanding people kneel at their feet.
— Censorship, book burning, snitching by neighbors and co-workers.
— Media propaganda and manipulation.
— The police and “good people” doing nothing to help.
Amazingly, it’s happening here today. And far too many political leaders, media and “good people” are telling us it is acceptable.
All of us are experiencing some aspect of this dark period in America’s history:
— Many of us don’t fly an American flag at our homes. We don’t dare put a Trump sign on our lawn or in our store window, or put a Trump bumper sticker on our car, for fear of violence or vandalism.
— On the TV, we all see supposedly rational and respected people calling us racist solely because of the color of our skin.
— Our free speech is monitored, censored, shadow-banned or outright banned by those who control social media.
— Our great American history is being destroyed, denigrated or erased. Radicals are toppling the statues of George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Abraham Lincoln and even abolitionists — heroes who bravely fought against slavery.
— A black NASCAR driver can wrap his car with “Black Lives Matter,” but an NBA announcer loses his job for tweeting, “All Lives Matter,” and a Philadelphia newspaper editor is forced to resign for writing, “Buildings Matter, Too,” as his city burns.
— NFL superstar quarterback Drew Brees was forced to beg for forgiveness for saying he will always stand for our national anthem. College football coach Mike Gundy was forced to beg for forgiveness from his players for wearing a T-Shirt with the name of the conservative One America News Network.
— Demented never-Trumper Rick Wilson tried to destroy Domino’s pizza for thanking a prominent Trump supporter for a compliment on its pizza in a corporate tweet…in 2012 …before Trump ever even got into politics.
When did America lose its freedom of speech and expression? When did we decide to erase all of our history? Isn’t that what ISIS does?
OPEN YOUR EYES. Study what happened in Nazi Germany during the infamous Kristallnacht. The night of Nov. 9-10, 1938, marked the beginning of the Nazis’ attack on the Jews. Jewish homes and businesses were looted, desecrated and burned while the police and “good people” stood by and watched. Nazis laughed and cheered as books were burned.
The name Kristallnacht refers to the litter of broken glass … exactly the same as what we saw take place in major American cities over the past few weeks.
Read the entire article HERE.
Black is the New Black in Color Revolutions https://t.co/PYvjnbTvUH
— Tom Luongo (@TFL1728) June 21, 2020
Black is the New Black in Color Revolutions
By Tom Luongo/Gold, Goats & Guns
The U.S. is in a Civil War. It began four years ago after Donald Trump’s election and has finally boiled over into open warfare here in 2020.
From the moment the protests against the killing of George Floyd were hijacked into looting and rioting I worried about this turning into something far greater, something with a far higher purpose.
Within a couple of days it was obvious the U.S. was now the subject of a color revolution of the same type and build up that occurred in places like Ukraine, Georgia, Egypt, Serbia and others.
And it’s pretty clear the color for our revolution isn’t orange or brown or violet, it’s black.
The questions I have are why this is happening now? The obvious answer is the full court press to deny Trump a second term. That’s a practically stated goal at this point.
But I feel this is far deeper than that, and likely has to do with knowing that Trump has pieces in place post-Jeffrey Epstein raid/murder to upset the Deep State’s apple cart.
And that brings me to why I’m interested in Hungary again.
I haven’t spoken much about Hungary in recent months but maybe I should have been. For me the two big stories of the week are:
1) Trump explicitly going after the Southern District of New York (SDNY) and the removal of U.S. Attorney Geoff Berman.
2) The European Court of Justice striking down Hungary’s Anti-NGO law which targets George Soros’ ability to fund revolutionary groups within Hungary.
The through line here is that both of these stories attack the heart of the Color Revolution process… the monied interests behind them. Useful idiots shooting each other in downtown Seattle or knocking down statues to Thomas Jefferson are not the story.
They are the means to power to be discarded (they hope).
Useful idiots eventually become useless eaters in any post-Marxist revolution worth discussing.
But for the people who foment these things. They have to start with laying the groundwork. And the stronger the local cultural institutions and local economic power the longer and harder they have to work to undermine it.
The U.S. has been under constant attack this way since before even World War II, going back to Commintern (which never ended, it just morphed into today’s NGO’s)
Trump and Orban represent leaders who understand this problem explicitly and are trying to dismantle the apparatus arrayed against them.
Let’s start with the SDNY. It is close to the most lawless place in the world for all practical purposes because the highest crimes committed there, those of finance and systemic looting by the banks who are the financiers of The Davos Crowd’s push for transnational control, go unpunished.
Headline grabbing fines which are 0.1% of the money and power stolen by Wall St. is not effective government oversight. Regulatory capture is real and the SDNY is the poster child for it.
For those wanting Trump to make good on his promises to Drain the Swamp, the SDNY is the source of the Swamp’s lifeblood, money. It allows the worst crimes to go unpunished, fueling the Marxist rants of the Occupy Wall St. crowd who have morphed into Black Lives Matter and are actively moving towards open warfare with the U.S. government.
Read the entire article and check out all of Tom’s great work HERE.
Sickening: NFL Great Brett Favre Compares Kaepernick To Fallen War Hero Pat Tillman https://t.co/lVnWlBYtcZ
— Chris Donaldson (@MagaNewsReport) June 21, 2020
Sickening: NFL Great Brett Favre Compares Kaepernick To Fallen War Hero Pat Tillman
By Chris Donaldson/Trending Politics
In a continuation of the nauseating orgy of worship for Colin Kaepernick, NFL Hall Of Fame quarterback Brett Favre has taken it to an entirely new level.
The legendary former Green Bay Packers star is comparing the former San Francisco 49er turned social justice messiah to Pat Tillman, a man who walked away from millions of dollars as a player to serve his country only to be killed in Afghanistan.
Favre made his controversial comments during an interview with TMZ Sports leading some to believe that he took way too many shots to the head during his 20-year NFL career.
According to Favre:
“I can only think of right off the top of my head, Pat Tillman is another guy that did something similar and, we regard him as a hero. So, I’d assume that hero status will be stamped with Kaepernick as well.”
Brett Favre Compares Kaepernick To Pat Tillman, 'I'd Assume Hero Status Will Be Stamped' https://t.co/bTEOMp1773
— TMZ (@TMZ) June 21, 2020
Via TMZ Sports, “Kaepernick Similar To Pat Tillman… ‘I’d Assume Hero Status Will Be Stamped'”:
Brett Favre says Colin Kaepernick‘s willingness to leave his NFL career to fight for social justice reminds him of Pat Tillman‘s ultimate sacrifice … and now, he’s telling TMZ Sports he thinks both will be remembered as heroes.
The Hall of Fame QB spoke with us about Colin this week … and told us straight-up he believes Kaepernick will go down as a legend for what he’s done to combat systemic racism.
“It’s not easy for a guy his age — black or white, Hispanic, whatever — to stop something that you’ve always dreamed of doing, and put it on hold, maybe forever, for something that you believe in,” Favre said.
Brett told us he believes it’s all very similar to what Tillman did when he left the NFL to fight for his country in the Army in the aftermath of 9/11.
“I can only think of right off the top of my head, Pat Tillman is another guy that did something similar,” Favre said. “And, we regard him as a hero. So, I’d assume that hero status will be stamped with Kaepernick as well.”
It’s lofty praise from the former Green Bay Packers superstar … but Favre clearly believes Kaep gave up a legitimate NFL career to make his message heard.
Unlike the America-hating heel Kaepernick, Tillman was a true patriot who after the nation that he loved was attacked on September 11, 2001, abandoned his promising pro football career for a higher calling by enlisting in the US Army.
Following the completion of Ranger training, Tillman saw action in Iraq and Afghanistan during the war on terror before his life was cut short at the age of 27.
Tillman was a true American hero while Kaepernick is an entitled ingrate and a divisive crumb who has sickeningly become an icon to those who hate this country, despise our flag and have no regard for those who died while fighting for it.
It is difficult to imagine that any of today’s “oppressed” multimillionaire babies ever doing what Pat Tillman’s love of his country compelled him to do and for his belief in the greatness of America, he paid the ultimate price.
Kaepernick isn’t worthy of carrying Tillman’s jockstrap and Favre has completely lost his marbles with an absurd comparison like this.
Check out daily articles by Chris/Donn Marten at Trending Politics HERE.
Eskimo Pies to drop 'derogatory' name over racial insensitivity https://t.co/SKD0QU3kVd pic.twitter.com/EbWIEIBKqT
— New York Post (@nypost) June 19, 2020
Eskimo Pies to drop ‘derogatory’ name over racial insensitivity
Via The New York Post
The maker of Eskimo Pies will change the 99-year-old brand name of the ice cream treat, the company said Friday — becoming the latest organization to overhaul the marketing of a product with a racially tinged moniker in recent weeks.
The owner of the Eskimo Pie, Dreyer’s Grand Ice Cream, said in a statement they had been considering renaming the chocolate-covered ice cream bar and popsicle for some time.
“We are committed to being a part of the solution on racial equality, and recognize the term is derogatory,” the company’s head of marketing said in a statement.
“This move is part of a larger review to ensure our company and brands reflect our people values,” the company added.
Along with the name change, the company will alter the treat’s marketing scheme, which traditionally featured a young boy dressed as an Eskimo in a snowy environment.
Read the entire article HERE.
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